Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1061732-Stupid-People-are-fun-sometimes
Rated: 18+ · Book · Educational · #2290035
I might be upsetting the apple cart...
#1061732 added January 2, 2024 at 1:35am
Restrictions: None
Stupid People are fun, sometimes.

"I don't like stupid drivers!" Muzzy erupts.
Sarah is completing her puzzle on the coffee table.
"Yeah, you said this." Sarah hums to herself and moves puzzle pieces in place.
"Why don't they use their horn?" Muzzy continues.

"You know that puzzle is all white?" Muzzy observes.
"Ah-ha." Sarah puts another piece in place.
Muzzy looks at the ceiling, "If I'm merging you should let me know your there!"
Sarah nods yes...

Muzzy looks at the almost finished white puzzle.
"It is malicious!" Muzzy erupts.
"The puzzle is malicious?" Sarah queries.
Muzzy holds his head, "No. I got another traffic ticket."

Sarah hums and completes the puzzle with a smile.

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