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Rated: ASR · Book · Comedy · #2309081
I think she is progressive.
#1062042 added January 9, 2024 at 3:14am
Restrictions: None

When I was a child, I made snow angels.
I played snowball...
I built snow castles...
Now I just try to get through it.

Is there an open driveway without a snowbank?
Why does my parking lot wait so long to plow?
The crosswalk has slushy plow snow...
Why don't the cars stop when I am in the crosswalk?

Why was I "beebed" while cleaning the snow off my van?
There was ice and snow on the glass of the van...
But I was "beebed" by an UBER guy!
He wanted more room to pull out around the snow.

The snow looks nice, but I'm shuffling through it.
I shuffled along the road, because no one shoveled their walks.
In Cambridge, Massachusetts the walks must be shoveled after the snowfall.
Apparently, that's not the case in New Hampshire...

Just my opinion.

Bob Country

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