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What is evil.
#1064600 added February 21, 2024 at 10:51am
Restrictions: None
idea for identity is it real?

I want a candidate that is younger than 70.
I want a candidate that cares about voters.
Hey! Maybe they could keep the combustion engine?
They shouldn't be sued for rape and lose.
They should be in favor of a woman's reproductive rights.
A lady shouldn't be forced to give birth.

Jesus never condemned abortion.
The Bible allows for it.
There is a Rebecal ritual to determine if a woman has a legitimate pregnancy.
Women were the property of their husbands and fathers.
God is the biggest abortionist in the world.

I don't believe Glen Beck would accept that.
He wants every pregnant woman to give birth.
Sometimes, the pregnancy is lethal to the woman.
Glen Beck prays for them sometimes.
It is illegal to have an abortion in Texas and Florida.
That's just to tuff cookies to women, who can't escape those Republican territories.
I hope the bastards are cared for.

Just my opinion.

Bob Country

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