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Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2314954
Spike Drakeson makes a wish while holding a special ring in a alleyway. Chaos is ensured!
#1064980 added February 27, 2024 at 9:17am
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A wish made and granted!
Slowly relaxing, Spike steeled his mind of his wish. Being highly confident, he knew he had a great idea for a wish, something he always wanted, yet impossible for her to put together in a very short of time.

"I... W-wish... I-I wish..."

Yet, as he tried to make out what he wanted to say, his nerves began to betray him as fear crept into his mind. Something Twilight took notice of as she began to channel a bit of magic into him, slowly relaxing him as she added more pressure to her top as she presses her breast more onto his back.

"It's okay dear master, take your time. All new masters feel nervous at first, but it'll become easier as time flows forward. Just take it one step at a time sweet master."

Relaxing his nerves, poor Spike blushed even heavier from the contact he was feeling from his back. Never in his life has any female acted like this towards him.

"I w-wish that... I-I wish that..."

Silently gulping, Spike steeled himself to say what was on his mind, not caring what others thought about him. At this point in life, he decided to just throw out his cares and morrals out the window and do what he wanted to do for once.


Blinking a bit, Twilight had to admit to herself that she did not see that coming. Yet at the same time, she seemed a bit excited at the idea and wanted to roll with it.

Not only will it prove she is what she says she is, but it'll give them a form of profit for the future. But a couple of thoughts did come to mind of Twilight with worry written on her face.

'Should I tell him I'm a horrible cook, or let him find out himself? I can help him with the harem part, but what the heck is a maid?'

Shrugging and staying true to her word, she held out one of her hands out while wrapping the other around his waist, positioning her fingers into a snapping position, she hummed into Spikes ear as she seductivly spoke in a low tone to whisper into his ear.

"~Okay then, so you have wished it, so it is granted, master~"

With a snap of her fingers, heavy dense smoke once again began to empty out of the ring on his hand, and swirl around them, enveloping them both within it, concealing them from the outside world. With the the light shining brighter, Spike had no choice but to close his eyes, waving his hands in front of him, trying to block it as he began to have second thought on his wish from pure fear.

"W-Wait! I take it back! You win! I believe your a genie!"

Giggling, Twilight only snuggled closer to him. Smirking, she allowed herself to be warmed up from the touch of her hold on him.

"I'm afraid it is far too late to stop now, sweet master. You made a wish, and now I'm fully obligated to granting it for you."

Being unprepared, and a bit winded from all that happened to him today, Spike began to feel a little woozy before blacking out.

Catching him, Twilight's grin as her smirk widen, thinking of how much she could not just learn, but from the fun she could have with her new master.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun. I can't wait to really let loose with you master."

With one final flash of brilliant light, they vannish. Leaving no sign of them being there, only leaving a slight breeze behind as the two are transported to a new location.

A location where his wish shall be granted, and begin both his new bussiness, and his new life.

But unknown to the two, a mysterious figure in a dark cloak stood above the rooftop looking over and watched what has happened.

"So, Spike has found himself a genie. Hm, could be interesting to see what he can do."

With that, moved his right hand close to his mouth and whispered.

"Rarity, I wish to return home."

Hearing a groan, he chuckled as he knew how he ended her day of shopping. Stopping, he heard her voice within his mind as his genie began to grant his wish.

"So you have wished it, so it is granted, darling."

With a flash of brilliant light, the mysterious figure was gone. Leaving no sign of being there at all.

What felt like hours later, Spike soon awoke in a bed with the sound of a alarm clock going off. Groaning, he raised a hand and slammed it down onto the alarm clock, silencing it. Blinking a bit, he soon raised himself out of bed, clad in a pair of sweat pants and short sleeve shirt, stretching his arms and back, popping his muscles while doing so.

Looking around, he soon realized that he wasn't in his room. In fact, he wasn't in his own apartment. Compared to the small living space he was used to, he considers what he's seeing as a uograde to what he had before.

Looking around, he slowly saw he was in a spacious room with what looked like a walk in closet, step in bathroom, dressers and a work desk made of mahagony, and a king size bed. Looking out the window, he saw he was on the second story of the building along Main Street that leads to the capital building, just five blocks up the road.

"Nnnrrrgggg... Master... Please... Turn off the dumb light and go back to bed... Just give me five more minutes... Too sleepy to get up yet..."

Recognizing the voice, Spike closed his eyes, and began to slowly turn around as he opened his eyes once more, hoping he was just dreaming it all up. Just a figment of his imagination.

Boy was he wrong...

There laying sprawled out on her back on the same bed he was in a moment ago was the girl who was a genie, Twilight Sparkle, still in her outfit from when he first met her. Just looking at her, he had to at least she looked kinda cute like that, and maybe a little silly how she just sounded like a kid trying to sleep in on the weekend.

Remembering that he was in a home that wasn't his own, he gathered as much courage he had this morning and stepped up to the bed, and began to nudge the sleeping genie out of her sleep.

Unfortunately, as he nudged her, he didn't see the annoyed look she had as her hand began to glow till she had it pointed at him in the face.

'Uh oh. This can't be good.'

Hearing a grumble, you watch as she raises herself off the bed with a look that started to scare him deeply. To him, if looks could kill, he'd be dead a hundred times over all ready.

"NnnnrrrRRRRGGG... Spike... I said... Five. MORE. MINUTES!!!"

Backing away in fear, Spike tried to find a way out.


Unfortunately, he was too late as Twilight blasted him with a full powered blast of electricity. Falling to his knee's, a single thought came to his mind just as quickly as the lightning bolt from Twilight.

'How? How did I get myself into this mess?!'

It was just a second later that Twilight fully woke up and realized what she just did. Jumping off the bed, she scrambled over to Spike and held him close, putting his head between her generous bust.

"Spike! I'm so sorry! I was tired from granting your wish and I wanted to sleep! Please be okay! You can punish me if you want! You can-"

Before she got anything else out, Spike gently placed a finger over her lips, causing her to stop talking. Lifting himself up out of her bussom, Spike looked to her with a kind, gentle smile. Knowing he got her attention, he lowered his finger from her.

"Relax Twilight, it was my fault, not yours. I chose to wake you up so we can talk. Guess I gotta find another way to wake you up safely."

Blushing somewhat, Twilight began to giggle at his kindness, but yet, she still felt bad for her actions. She knew all of the rules to being a genie, and the number one rule was to never strike the master.

For as the rule states that when a genie strikes her master, the master must choose her punishment. But if the master disregards her punishment, the the rule becomes nulled.

Yet, taking Spike's word of taking responsibility for what happened, she relaxed. Thinking she'd make it up him later tonight.

"Okay master, as you wish. So, what do you think of your new place so far?"

Chuckling, Spike picked himself and Twilight up, and dusted himself off. Looking to her, he gained a confused look to his features.

"My new place? What are you talking about? I don't own this place. Where are we anyway?"

Giggling, Twilight had to fight off a fit of laughter as she watched Spike begin the questioning of what was going on. She found it kind of cute of how he was similar to herself when he acted like this.

"Why, we are in the living space just above your bussiness. Don't you rember your wish? You wanted a, and I quote, 'a Harem Maid themed Cafe bussiness.' Unquote. You wished it, I granted it. Even filed all the correct paperwork, and I took time to employ a few employee's to work for you downstairs. The only thing we don't have is a name for it."

It was then everything that happened hit him like a ton of bricks. He had a bussiness to run now. Not just any bussiness, it was his dream bussiness.

Slowly, Spike walked out of the room with Twilight soon following, with a dazed look in his eyes. Walking out of the bed room and into the living area, Spike looked around in amazement of the decor.

With a fifty foot flat screen mounted on a wall with a surround sound system hooked up to it and placed stratigically around the room, he saw a large brown carpeted couch with matching foot stool only teen feet away from it with two oak wood table with cubbie holes and a drawer on each for placing drinks and snacks on on each side. With a freshly polished, cool to the touch, granite tile floor to walk on, he saw shelves full of his DVD's, games, music, and books along the far wall with his comic collection, to his surprise, organized by date, genre, and rarity of each book in a air tight container with a rectna scanner keeping his collection safe from those looking to get into them without permission.

Going into what looked like a kitchen area, he was again amazed at what all was packed into the small space.

All the counters are topped with finely polished mahogany wood, with a matching knife holder with all stainless steel pots, pans, and cooking utensals. A platinum electric stove top with a air fry oven, and a matching microwave set off to the side. A fully stocked cubbord and pantry, a fully stocked double door fridge and matching freezer with ice maker, and a wall mounted televission to watch while cooking.

Looking amazed at everything, Spike began to wonder how he came to own all this when Twilight came in with a wide grin. Giggling as she see's the look on her masters face, she began to feel giddy of the other surprises she had in store for him.

"So master, what do you think of your new home? Is it to your satisfaction?"

With his mind blown of what he has seen, the only nodded as he headed as he realised that he was staring at the inside of his dream house. It all looked like a dream to him, yet it was definently real.

"Twilight, this is amazing! Thank you! But what did you mean about "my bussiness' back in the room? And what staff?"

Giggling, she took a hand into his as he lead him to the front door. Placing a hand and opening it, she looked back at him with a smile that melted his heart to putty.

"Your welcome master. But to answer your question, I think it'll be easier to just show you."

With that, she lead him out of his home, and down a stairway that lead to what Twilight hoped was what ment when he made his wish.

Author's Note:

A Maid Cafe.
He wished be a owner of his own harem themed Maid Cafe bussiness.
Didn't see that one coming, now did ya? Figured I'd let my inner nerd loose with this, it was too easy not to let loose on this kind of stuff.
But a better question would be, who was watching Spike in the alley? Was it his friend? Or maybe somebody unexpected?
~History Fact~

In March 2001, in Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan, the first maid cafe, Cure Maid Cafe, was established, and slowly increased in both polularity and creativity as they use unussual tactics and cosplays to bring customers in to have a good meal and fun with employees while waiting.

Dang my hand hurts... Hope ya enjoy the chapter!
"May your creativity continue to run wild!"
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