Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1064981-I-saw-MOON-Raker-again
Rated: E · Book · Comedy · #2314216
What is evil.
#1064981 added February 27, 2024 at 9:24am
Restrictions: None
I saw MOON Raker again.

I like Roger Moore as James Bond.
I like Shaun Conery as Bond too.
The Villian has discovered this orchard that kills only people.can
"You want a stud farm in outer space." Roger Moore states.

Having worked in retail all my life,
I can understand why Drake is building a stud farm in outer space.
He wants to use the orchard as poison against the human race.
Why not?

Well, who knows what God is thinking?
At the end of Hitch Cockt's ROPE Jimmy Stewart condembs his students.
Even though, Jimmy had been advocating killing inferior people.
The Rope murders were brought to justice by Jimmy Stewart.

That is what Glen Beck is struggling with.
Why do useless people exit?
And who is decide who is useless?
Glen Beck is wealthy, but that is useless in a world war.

What matters is God.
But, which one?

Just my opinion.

Bob Country

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