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Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2314954
Spike Drakeson makes a wish while holding a special ring in a alleyway. Chaos is ensured!
#1064990 added February 27, 2024 at 10:52am
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Visit from a old Apple. Challenge to a Harem War?!
It was a beautiful Saturday morning in Canterlot City. Kids were enjoying time at arcades and comic shops. Teens and adults out hanging out as friends.

Currently within the cafe, the bussiness was in full swing with everyone doing there parts in keeping busy and entertaining the customers. Even Spike was going around taking to-go orders from the kitchen to the registers for customers.

Taking a small break, he took a bottle of water before taking a seat behind the register section. Taking a sip of the water, Spike looked around the cafe, smiling as things seemed to begin to slow down and become easier for everyone.

'Hard to believe a single wish could lead to all of this. It's like going from zero to hero in a single night. Makes me wonder what the future will bring.'

It was then the door to the cafe opened as Canterlot's oldest matriarch walked in and took a booth by the far corner. Having her grey hair up in a bun, and wearing a bright green sun dress and brown work boots, she waves to a waitress, who swiftly came to her with a smile on her face.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Rouge, your waitress for today. May I take your order?"

Not waisting a minute, the customer grinned kindly to her.

"Yes, I'd like a slice of apple pie, a glass of apple cider. Oh, and could you do me a favor and get Spike over here. Just tell him dear old Granny came to see him."

Blinking a bit out of surprise, Rouge nodded as she headed to place the order before going to inform Spike of what the mysterious customer said. Watching, 'Granny' smiled as her waitresd did as she was asked to do, and smiled brighter as she saw the young man she knew when he was just a young man began to walk towards her booth, a kind smile adorned his face to seeing her.

As Spike approached the booth, he immediately knew who was asking for him. Taking a seat opposite of her, he relaxed as he sat up as straight as he could for her.

"Granny Smith Apple. It's been a long time. I'm sorry I haven't been down to visit you in a long while. Life has kept me a bit bussier as of late."

Chuckling, Granny only laughed off his apology as if it was nothing to her.

"Oh, don't worry about that. Ah don't let that kind of thing get to me deary. Besides, after all the work you put in at the farm on the weekends, and after staying under my roof after your folk's passed away, and helped around the farm, your practically family to me. By the way, how's the car ah gave ya doing? She still purring like ah dream?"

At the mention of Spike's car, he began to sweat as the memory of it blowing up ran through his mind. It was a gift from her to him as a congratulations for getting a high paying job.

"Well you see, um, how do I put this? When I was fired from my last job, somebody, kinda, blew it up."

Watching closely, Spike saw Granny Smith's smiling face turn into one of pure rage and anger. Seeing her like this made him sweat profusely from fear.

Watching from afar, all the genies from within the cafe began to fear the old lady. Not from her angry face she was sporting, but from the amount of pure rage she was letting out into the cafe.

"Ah don't think I heard ya right deary. Did you just say that 'somebody blew it up?' Ah had to single handly rebuilt that old dodge charger myself from parts found in a junkyard, and somebody blew... IT... UP?!"

It was then the whole cafe went quiet. Nobody moved a muscle, or made a sound for that matter. Everyone was to scared to do anything. In the city of Canterlot, there was a single unspoken rule.

Never, under any circumstances. No matter how big or small the issue is at the time. Never make Granny Smith Apple angry.


Worried even more, Spike tried to come up with something, anything really, to calm her down. It was then Rouge came to the rescue with her order.

"Okay ma'am. One order of apple pie, with a glass of apple cider. Oh, and as per Spike's request, the meal is on the house for you today. Enjoy."

Taking her leave, she never saw how Granny Smith changed from pure anger, straight back to a happy lady everyone knew and loved. Seeing this, everyone else in the cafe relaxed and returned to there normal routine.

Picking her fork up, she cut a piece of the pie off and ate it. As she chewed, she moaned in delight of the flavors that she was tasting. Picking up her glass of cider, she took a delicate sip of the drink, just trying to figure out just how it was made.

'Then again, ah got a good feeling I know what's going on in this here cafe. Just like Day Breaker said, this here be a goldmine for genies.'

Gently placing the cup of cider down, Granny looked to Spike with a smirk, also making sure her two rings she had on were in full view.

Seeing the rings, Spike made a major discovery that he never knew.

'Does she have genie's too?'

On her right hand index finger was a green emerald with a picture of three apples within it. As on her left hand index finger was a red ruby with a picture of a green apple with a section cut out, showing the inside of the apple.

Seeing he noticed, Granny decided to be entirely blunt and go on the verbal attack.

"Ah have to admit, this here pie and cider is surprisingly delicious. Almost as if it was made by magic and out of thin air. It's almost as good as my merchindise. Key word being 'almost' that is."

Catching her word play on how her order was made, Spike began to worry that she figured him out. In fact, many in town believed she could detect a lie before it could even be muttered out of someones mouth.

"So, with that being said, I'll give you a easy way out of this. Only cause I see you as family."

Leaning closely, Granny Smith whispered to him. Just low enough for Spike to hear.

"Give me all your genies, and I'll find you some new employee's to work here. Might even bring a few of our family bussiness merchindise for you to use here. For a cut of the profits that is."

Surprised that what he thought to be true, Spike grew worried as he knew she wasn't one to take 'no' for a answer.

'But then again, if there is one thing I picked up from her, is not to give a inch for what one believes in. And I believe in keeping a promise I made to the girls.'

Placing a serious face on, Spike gave Granny Smith a heated stare. Seeing him like this simply surprised her. She never once seen him match her ferocity of seriousness.

"I'm sorry Granny, but you tought me to never go back on my word. And I gave these girls my word, a promise, that I'd keep them safe. So, I'm afraid I'll have to deny your offer."

Hearing him say those words brought a smile to her face. Unfortunately, she knew she had no choice but to do this the hard way.

"Spike, ah promised your folks I'd help to look after you if anything happened to them. And good golly, ah did. But now, you leave me no choice. Spike Drakeson, I Granny Smith Apple, hearby challenge you to a Harem War."

Hearing a gasp, Spike turned to the source to find both Sci-Twi and Twilight Sparkle standing behind him, looking to him and Granny in both surprise and worry. Seeing this didn't bode well for him as he began to worry himself.

"Wait. What's a Harem War?"

Hearing a chuckle, Spike turned back to Granny Smith, giving her his full attention.

"A Harem War is a fight between genies that we wager. The masters, meaning us, control them by giving commands. Winner gains the losers genies, and the loser looses all that they wished for. Memories included."

Taking in all she said, Spike was about to neglect the challenge, only for Granny Smith to beat him to the punch.

"And don't you dare chicken out young man! Ah tought ya better then that! In fact, ah'll wager a single ring against one of your rings. And to match the number of rookie genies you have, ah'll put up the same number of barrels of my famous 'Zap Apple Cider' for you to use here in the store, or drink it up yourself."

Hearing her offer, Spike was highly tempted to take the challenge, but also worried that he'll lose all he gained from a single wish. It was when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders. Looking behind him, he saw that all the genies were standing behind him, smiling to him as if saying they trusted him, and confident in winning.

Sighing, Spike placed a serious face as he looked to Granny Smith. Stealing his nerves, he looked her in the eyes.

"Okay Granny Smith Apple, I accept your wager. May the best one win."

It was then time itself became frozen, and everything went black.
~Author's Note~

Looks like Granny is going on the offensive, and she ain't going to hold back either.

Will Spike be able to face a veteran in his first ever Harem War?

Or will he be out done by the ferocity of the matriarch of the Apple family?

Only one way to find out...

...Stay Tuned...
"~May your creativity continue to run wild for all to enjoy!~"
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