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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1065203-B-3-The-Pool-of-Tears--O-est-ma-chatte
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #2313223
My Wonderland adventures are kept here...
#1065203 added February 28, 2024 at 11:15pm
Restrictions: None
[B-3] The Pool of Tears :: OΓΉ est ma chatte?
B. The Pool of Tears
OΓΉ est ma chatte? ("Where is my cat?")

You are a stranger in a foreign land – try to communicate with the locals in an attempt to find your missing pet – short story. (<1000 words)

My arrival to this strange, new land wasn't the gentle awakening of a dream, but a jarring teleport into the unknown. The familiar sights and scents of my apartment vanished. Instead, I found myself adrift in a symphony of the fantastical. Trees impossibly tall stretched towards a sky painted with impossible colors, the air filled with birdsong that sounded like nothing I'd heard on Earth. Every flower, every creature, thrummed with an energy that was as beautiful as it was alien. But, worst of all, Cheshire – my feline partner-in-crime with his mischievous grin and swirling stripes – was nowhere to be seen.

Fear surged through me, a primal, gut-wrenching terror. But survival meant finding Cheshire, and that meant finding someone, anyone, who could help. I set off into the depths of this enchanted forest, following a barely-there path that wound its way through the lush undergrowth, hoping with every step that it would lead me to a village, a town, something.

And it did. The homes weren't brick and mortar, but marvels sculpted from nature itself – vast, interwoven leaves stitched with filaments of pure light. The inhabitants matched the wonder of their surroundings – tall, willowy beings with luminous eyes and skin textured like bark walked hand-in-hand with tiny, furry creatures bouncing with wide-eyed glee.

My intrusion into their world was a disruption, a note out of key with the symphony of life around me. I desperately wished for a shared language, a way to communicate the ache in my heart, the desperate longing for my feline companion. In my pocket, my phone felt both like an anchor to the world I knew and a useless hunk of metal in this foreign realm.

Then, like a lightning bolt, a memory struck. High school French lessons, long relegated to the dusty corners of my mind, seemed like a bridge in this chasm of communication. "OΓΉ est ma chatte?" I sputtered, the words thick and unfamiliar on my tongue. "Where is my cat?"

A ripple washed through the crowd, whispers and curious glances exchanged. My pulse hammered against my ribs – had they understood, even with my rusty accent?

Hands shaking, I fumbled for my phone. Its familiar weight, the bright screen, seemed a tiny beacon of the world I knew. I scrolled frantically through my gallery until I found it – a snapshot of Cheshire perched on his cat tower, his eyes bright with impish curiosity.

"Cheshire," I choked out, pointing at his photo, then at myself. "Perdu. Lost." For a moment I became an actor on a makeshift stage, mimicking his proud strut, the exaggerated swish of his tail, and then dissolving into a pantomime of confusion, a universal expression of bewilderment and loss.

Then, a change. One of the luminous-eyed women stepped forward, her scales shimmering like abalone. Her voice, an alien melody of trills and clicks, held a warmth that transcended language. She pointed with a long, graceful finger towards the dense tangle of the forest, an undeniable purpose in her movements.

Had she seen Cheshire? Hope bloomed, a fragile thing in the face of the impossible. I repeated his name, emphasizing his distinctive walk again. She nodded eagerly and motioned for me to follow.

I trailed behind her, questions swirling through my mind alongside a blossoming hope. I had no map, no guidebook, and little understanding of this magical place. But in this surreal world, kindness had cut through the language barrier and offered a path to follow. Perhaps this was the truest magic of all, and it fueled my steps as I ventured deeper into the unknown, a stranger in a strange land searching for my lost feline heart.

615 Words

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