Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1071827-Muzzy-for-President
Rated: ASR · Book · Comedy · #2318227
I saw some graffiti in a bathroom stall.
#1071827 added May 28, 2024 at 9:33pm
Restrictions: None
Muzzy for President?

"I think, therefore, I am."
Muzzy nibbles on a cheese cracker.
He stares at the rain from his eclosed beach porch.
He wonders if the rain will ever stop.

Jasper is a neighbor and friend.
"I am voting for Trump." he says between potato chip crunches.
"Trump will make America great again."
Jasper looks at Muzzy who is staring at the night rain on the beach.

"Superman is a great hero."
Muzzy remarked, "But he isn't a natural born citizen."
"He was raised on Earth in Kansas by a Christian couple.
Nevertheless, Superman is Kryptonian and from another planet."

Muzzy sips some sweet tea.
"He could never be an American President."
Muzzy looks a Jasper who is snoozing.
"Superman calls on Great Roa in fist fights."

"That's a reference to his Kryptonian religion."
Muzzy wonders if Tulsi Gabard would support Superman.
"Emma Vigeland thinks Israel is fighting a genocidal war against Palestine.
She does not support Tulsi Gabard for Trump's V.P."

Jasper is snoring.

Maybe Muzzy should run for President?

Bob County
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1071827-Muzzy-for-President