Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1072629-Warrior
Rated: ASR · Book · Comedy · #2318227
I saw some graffiti in a bathroom stall.
#1072629 added June 14, 2024 at 3:50am
Restrictions: None

"Warrior, won't you come out to play?"
Chris Mockley was quoting a cult film.
"Strange how we can pyramid some facts."
from Hitchcock's ROPE.

"I want you to vote for me not for yourselves."
former president Donald Trump.
"I want you to be warriors for me."
former president Donald Trump.

"He is the most morale man I know."
President Joe Biden described his son...
Hunter Biden's laptop is real by FBI decree.
Hunter Biden was convicted of gun violations.

China owns American farmland near military installations.
Our borders are open...
There are Russian warships off the coast of Florida.
Who will save us?
Is former president Donald Trump the next Messiah?

Why didn't Trump win back the Senate?
Why are Republicans afraid of former president Donald Trump?
Will the Republicans win back the Senate and Presidency?
Why aren't there enough Republican babies?
Is it too expensive to have a baby?

Stay tuned to this Bat Chanel!
Was it really a Chinese lab that created COVID?
I had three shots to fight off COVID...
Was I wasting my time?
Is Will Smith a psychopath?

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1072629-Warrior