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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1075063-Welcome-to-My-Reality-for-September-2024
Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing · #2278909
Just things that I think about now and then.
#1075063 added August 12, 2024 at 9:18pm
Restrictions: None
Welcome to My Reality for September 2024
September Prompts:

1. Who is your character’s best friend? How did they meet? What do they do together?

2. What is a typical outfit for your character? Are clothes important to him or her? Why or why not?

3. Is your character an only child or does he or she have siblings? How does your character feel about this?

4. Does your character have a pet? Why or why not? If so, what type of pet?

5. What would your character do if he or she had an extra $100 per week?

6. What is your character’s favorite color? Does he or she own many things in this color?

7. What is your character’s greatest fear? How does this impact his or her life?

8. Does your character play any sports? Why or why not? Is he or she talented or clumsy? What types of sports does he or she enjoy?

9. What are some common phrases that your character says often? What do they mean?

10. What is your character’s favorite food? Why? Does he or she enjoy it often?

11. What are your character's parents like?

12. Does your character want to have kids someday or does he or she have kids already? Why or why not?

13. If your character has kids, what are they like?

14. Does your character prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors? Why or why not?

15. Write about three different things that your character is thankful for.

16. Write about three different things that can always make your character laugh.

17. What does your character’s bedroom look like?

18. What is your character’s greatest dream?

19. What is your character’s favorite game? Is it a board game, a video game, or a sport? Is he or she good at it? How long has your character played the game?

20. Where did your character grow up? What is the city like?

21. Where does your character want to live someday? Does he or she want to stay in the same city or move far away?

22. Write about three things that your character believes.

23. What is your character’s favorite movie?

24. What does your character like to do for fun?

25. Does he or she have much free time?

26. If your character’s best friend described him or her, what would the friend say?

27. Write about at least three separate qualities and explain the reasoning behind each.

28. When your character is sad, what does he or she do? Why?

29. Is your character an early bird or night owl? Does this affect his or her life at all?

30. What is your character’s favorite store? Does he or she like to shop? Why or Why not

31. What are your plans for this weekend?
Getting the apartment ready for our move into another apartment. Packing things, organizing things, getting rid of things, etc.

32. Write 5 affirmations for when you are feeling low.
Jeremiah 29:11 -"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

John 3:16 (NIV)
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

Philippians 4:13
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Psalm 139:14
"I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

33. What is the best book you have read recently?

34. How have you grown this year?

35. What are the most important life lessons you have learned?

36. Have trouble sleeping? What’s keeping you up?

37. What is the last dream you remember?

38. Name the three biggest priorities in your life right now.

39. What are your biggest fears?

40. Do you have a fear that is stopping you from achieving your goals?

41. Name three challenges…. and three ways to overcome them.

42. Write down your ultimate way to relax.

43. What would you do if you were granted three wishes?

44. How about if you were given five wishes?

45. Name three bad habits you would like to change.

56. What was the last show (movie) you went to?

47. Do you have a secret talent you are hiding? Share with me what it is.

48. Add some more items to your bucket list… if you don’t have a bucket list, start one.

49. What is your biggest regret?

50. Think about someone you love. Write about the person that came to mind.

51. List the best 10 moments of your life so far.

52. What 5 things are you grateful for this week?

53. Name the one thing you are most grateful for in your life at this moment.

54. Write about 5 amazing childhood memories you are grateful for.

55. Which people in your life are you most grateful for? And Why?

56. Write about something that made you smile today.

57. When were you last surprised?

58. What is the most exhilarating thing that has happened to you last year?

59. Name a challenge you have overcome and how it helped you to grow.

60. How can you show gratitude more?

61. What was your visit with Santa Claus like as a kid?

62. What was your visit with Santa Claus like for your kids or grandkids?

63. Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas?

64. What were your best Christmas presents?

65. What are the best Christmas presents you have ever given to someone?

66. Do you send out Christmas Cards?

67. What are your favorite Christmas decorations?

68. Do you decorate with Nativity scenes?

69. Do you enjoy Christmas music? When do you stop playing Christmas Music?

70. Do you like listening to Christmas music before Christmas?

71. Does Thanksgiving get you in the mood for Christmas?

72. Do you always remember Jesus Is The Reason For The Season?

73. Write about what you think is hypocritical. Write about it with talking points.

74. Write anything that you think about on the inside before you talk to anyone about it.

75. Write all your cookie recipes. Yes, please!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1075063-Welcome-to-My-Reality-for-September-2024