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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/227284-Some-undercover-angels-dont-play-by-the-rules
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #464720
You supply the reading. I'll supply the writing.
#227284 added February 13, 2003 at 2:28pm
Restrictions: None
Some undercover angels don't play by the rules.
I find jealousy to be a major turn off...more precisely...when I find myself being in a situation where I'm made to feel jealous. I usually let everything that was so loving built...simply crumble and blow away...and then I move on.

Moving on...

I got some good news the other day. A magazine that I must have contacted last summer has decided to publish one of my poems. *Smile* I'm supposed to invoice them along with a short bio and pic if I want...I'm thinking one of my shirtless pic's. *Smile*

Actually...it's not nearly as earth shattering as I'm making it out to be. I'll be getting $5.oo for them publishing the poem. At first I thought it might have been $5.oo US...which is like $58.18 Can...but then I reread the email and found out it was for $5.oo Can...which is like...$5.oo Can. So I guess my holiday to Florida will have to wait a tad longer.

I do find it ironic...(there's a word that I've never used before now)...that I spent hours and hours last year trying to make some $$$$ with writing and now...now that I'm just about to get back into sculpting and spending a lot less time here...that I should get the first $$$$ I've ever recieved for writing. This would have fueled my enthusiasm no end last summer. I should have responded 3 days ago...I best get on that as soon as I'm done here.

Anyways...I've NEVER placed a dollar figure on my self worth. Getting published should be all that matters. I've had numerous poems published in anthologies...(that's no big deal)...because I realize that they are vanity presses that want me to cough up $49.95 to see my poems in print.

I've always shied away from the spotlight though...not the best trait for an artist...or any creative person for that matter. Given the choice...I don't attend the juried shows or other shows I've been in. If I do...then I quietly sneak in unannounced...look around very quickly and then we'll leave as soon as possible. I'm definiately not one of these artists that will stand beside one of their pieces...just waiting...until somebody draws near and then they pounce on them.

I was once accepted into a sidewalk/downtown artshow in the States which was quite an experience. I spent most of the time wandering around looking at what other artists had done instead of waiting beside my "booth".

That reminded me of a Christmas benefit fund raiser that I attended years ago. I was sitting with pieces of my work and odds and ends all laid out in front of me. Shell...my exwife and my brother were also behind the display keeping me company. A group of women approached and one of them kept looking at the portrait and then at Shell seated beside me. That went on for awhile until she asked me if I was the one who had painted it. I said I was...and then she looked at my brother who was sitting on my other side and asked if it was a portrait of HIM *Smile*

All three of us suddenly broke out in hysterical laughter. We laughed till we cried. None of us could answer the woman...but she just stood there and started to laugh along with us...which only got us going all the more.

I don't know which of us was the most embarrassed...

Me...for having someone think that a painting I did of my wife would look anything like my brother...*Confused* (I had even signed it Love forever Shelley...I guess she didn't notice that)

Shell...for someone thinking her portrait looked like my brother...

or my brother...who's well over 6 foot, blonde and 200+ pounds and not the little dark haired girl I had painted.

We didn't get anything done the rest of that night except laugh and giggle. Now that I think about it...my brother must have been the most embarrassed because he left shortly after that. I often used to joke about that with him.

Nothing like a stupid awkward question to puncture any inflated egos. *Smile*

Oh yeah...before I forget. If I've given you my email address please send any mail to me there and not here Okay? I prefer it that way. Thanks.

I have a terrible memory sometimes. I had planned on writing about quite afew topics and then I got sidelined by that "portrait thingy" and now my mind has gone blank. *Confused*

It was Heather's birthday yesterday and I want to write about something but I'm waiting on her permission first.

Laura...Amy's sister has been emailing me lately...actually we seem to be having an "email snowball fight" or something with emails being fired off all over the place at each other. I don't think she understands me yet. She's still taking some things that I say too literally. She must think I'm a complete nutcase...but she has certainly gotten my creative juices flowing. Laura's a lot like Amy in some ways...but so different in others. I like 'em both. *Bigsmile*

I remebered something!!!! About Mitchell's cell phone. It hasn't worked out as expected. To take calls in the house he needs to be near a window I guess...so when one of us are on line this phone is still being tied up and people aren't usually getting through on his cell phone. However he has started getting back at me for making those long pointless calls to him. His opening message sounds something like this...


(To which I respond...EVERYTIME...Mitchell...MITCHELL IT'S ME!!!)

Hello?...HELLO?...This is Mitchell...Yes Mitchell...HELLO?...I'm not here right now so can you please leave a message?

The thing is...sometimes when I call him he really IS there and we go through the exact conversation until I know it's his recorded message I'm talking to...so now sometimes he just pretends it's the recorded message and not really him on the line when I call...so I've started raising and lowering the volume of my voice in midsentence...or just suddenly playing dead...going several minutes without speaking.

All's fair when it comes to cell phone wars. *Smile*

I now only have to finish my final entry and then I'm outa here...(so to speak)

I best go for now.

See ya *Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile*

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