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#266460 added November 18, 2003 at 1:14pm
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chapter 1
"Are you going out with Chris again tonight?" Kelly asked

The two were best friends, drawn together by
their mutual friends and the fact that they were twins.

"Oh I don't know, we got in a fight last night"

"About what" "Oh" Kristy started crying." I lost my job at the pizza parlor"

"You mean Chris fired you?" Kelly exclaimed her look more of amusement then of

"Ya" Kelly could barely hear Kristy through her crying.

“Oh calm down Kristy and tell me what happened, why did he fire you?"

"Well, he said it was because of the rules about employees dating the
management or something, but I know that’s not the reason."

Kelly rather scooted away at the remark she hoped Kristy didn’t know.

"I think it's because Alec asked me to go to his house and help him with his
term paper and I said yes."

Kelly breathed a low sigh of relief. "Well forget him then, right now let’s
concentrate on finding a roommate."

Kristy found it somewhat troubling that Kelly could brush this all off so
easily but she was right they had been talking about a roommate and now that
Kristy lost her job, they needed one more then ever, and they did have the
spare bedroom.

"O.K I guess your right."

"Of course I’m right after all I’m always right I’m the oldest" Kristy hated it
when Kelly threw that in her face. She was only 1 minute older not much to brag

"Why don’t we call dad and ask him to put an ad in the paper for us?"

"Ya, we could and you could also listen to him bitch because you lost your job,
you knew how he felt about you dating your boss."

"Why do we have to tell him I lost my job he knows we've been looking for a

Their dad John F. Gillian was the editor of the town paper the Harmony Bay
Weekly Express.

"O.K why don't you call him I’m going to go out for a little bit.”

Kristy watched Kelly go out the door after she left she sat and thought of
Chris she couldn't understand what went wrong. They had been dating for 7
months. Kristy had been working at the pizza joint for a year. Kelly had gotten
her the job there but after Kristy and Chris started dating Kelly quit. Kristy
for the life of her couldn’t understand why after 7 months Chris was all of a
sudden worried about rules.

"Damn bastard," she was ripped out of her daydream by the phone ringing.

"H...hello" it was all she could do to get the word out she was hoping it was

"Hey Kristy its Kelly, I hope you don't mind but I was in the area and decided
to drop in on dad my self."

Kristy tried to hide her disappointment "Ya sure whatever."

"Anyway dad said we don't need an ad he said a girl just started working there
and she was talking to him about putting an ad in the paper isn't that great?"

Kristy of course was still distracted "Ya sure

"Well her name is Crea and she should be calling in about 1/2 an hour just set
up a time with her o.k.?" and like that Kelly was gone.

"Crea, Crea" Kristy kept saying the name over in her head she was trying to
figure out why that name gave her the chills and why it sounded so familiar.

Then again the phone rang again "Hello."

"Hi my name is Crea I guess your dad John told me to call."

God she sounded like Kelly "Hi this is Kristy how are you?"

“I’m ok actually I was wondering if it would be possible for me to come and
look at the place now?"

Kristy remembered what Kelly said about setting up a time for them both to meet

"Ya sure come on over."

"Ok thanks see you in a bit."

"The addre...." Kristy couldn’t get it out Crea had already hung up. When the
knock came, Kristy figured Crea had gotten the address from their dad after all
it only made sense right. It took Kristy a minute to open the door what if it
wasn’t Crea, what if it was Chris.

"Hello is anybody home it’s me Crea" that answered Kristy’s question so she
opened the door not realizing that someday she will wish she hadn't.

"Hi, I’m Crea; Crea...Rockwell you must be Kristy nice to met you."

For some reason Kristy had the impression Crea was thinking of a last name, but
her mind was so jumbled at that time that she figured it must be her

"Ya hi come on in how are you."

"Fine, fine just a little nervous so tell me about the place" well she don't
waste no time does she.

"Well the rent is $711 a month so times three we each only pay $237 a month
which really isn't ba..."

"So which one will be my room?" and she made a mad dash for Kristy’s room.

Kristy was starting to get a little annoyed with Crea’s pushiness and she
didn't even live their yet!

“Well actually that's my room."

"Oh I’m sorry" even though Crea had a puppy dog look Kristy was not about to
give up her room to a pushy snot!

"If you’re approved, your room will be this one" Kristy showed her to the room
she also decided to make it perfectly clear that just because she was here that
did not guarantee her the room.

"You must understand that we have many more people we will be interviewing for
a roommate. My sister is going to have a say in this too"

"Oh but I was under the impression that you guys had just started looking and
had not even put an ad in the paper yet."

Well their goes good ole dad for you what was she supposed to say now.

"Why don't you go look at the room and tell me what you think?"

Crea seemed to cheer up at that idea "ok" and off she went.

Kristy sat down on the couch to think, where immediately a massive headache hit

"Fucking men," she exclaimed.

She went in the kitchen got some aspirin and a drink and went back to the couch
while she waited for the aspirin to kick in and for Crea to give the room a 10
point check as she was sure she was doing her thoughts drifted back to Chris.
She was wondering why he seemed so quiet lately and why he hadn't called yet.
She was torn between calling him and just letting it go. She absentmindedly
looked at her watch a habit she picked up from non-other but Chris and realized
it had been almost 45 minutes since she told Crea to look at the room

"Well what the hell what did she do, die?" she entered the room and found Crea
on the bed no she wasn't dead she was sleeping.

"Fuck this Kelly can deal with it" as soon as the words came out of her mouth
Kelly came in the front door.

"Hello... Kristy are you home?"

"I’m in the 3rd bedroom Kelly"

Kelly was mumbling something as she walked over but stopped short as she got to
the door "I thought I told you to just set up a time I didn’t tell you to let
her move in is that Crea?"

"Ya that’s Crea and I didn’t invite her to move in. She came over to just see
the place and I guess she fell asleep while I was daydreaming."

"Well what the hell are we going to do now we can't just tell her to get up and
get out?"

"I don't know Kelly you’re the older one you figure it out."

Kristy was so sick of everything she went and locked her self in her room. The
next morning when she got up Crea was sitting at the table eating.

"What is she still dong here?"

"Well good morning to you to Kristy. Actually, Crea and I were up almost all
night talking. I’m surprised we haven't passed out yet."

Crea must have thought this funny because she started laughing.

“I think the only one that will pass out is you Kelly. Crea got all the rest
she needed yesterday."

Crea no longer thought it was funny. In fact, now she had a look of horror on
her face. Kristy rather enjoyed it. She started giggling.

"I don't think that is anyway to treat our new roommate Kristy."

Was it Kristy’s imagination or did Crea have a evil look in her eyes like the
Cheshire cat when Kelly said that?

"Well anyway Kristy I’m sorry if we got off on the wrong foot. I have some
good news for you though. Chris called; I took the message it's on the table."

Kristy went to the table but the message was not there. She decided to call
him at his house anyway. There was no answer so she left a message. When she
went back to the kitchen Kelly and Crea were laughing.

"There is no message on the table and no answer at his house did he say when
he would be back"?

"Um… actually he said he was going to his mom's and would be back in a couple
of days."

Kristy stormed off to her room to get her address book with his mothers phone
number in it but her book wasn’t there.

"Where the hell did I put that?"

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