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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/270206-What-I-Thought-Was-a-Dull-Party
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#270206 added December 22, 2003 at 1:54am
Restrictions: None
What I Thought Was a Dull Party
First off, I woke up to Kim IMing me through my cellphone, so I woke up and texted her a few times. She wanted me to come to the South Shore Plaza. I wasn't interested in looking up how to get there or really taking my car out for any reason, so I called Sills and waited for him to come pick me up. Well, he took awhile and when we were starting to go to the South Shore Plaza, we called Kim and she said that she was already coming back. So we went to the Hanover Mall instead.

Got some free Mickey Dee's there (thanks Kristi) and then waited for Kim. She showed up with Brian and me and Sills took our usual places beside Kim with sexual jokes and musing while Brian just got depressed and walked off.

I noticed that Kim was getting more and more interested in Sills and decided to slack off in my trying. Kim is a cutie, but not really up for competing with Sills. Anyways, after Sills left, I was left with Kim, Brian, Christian, Maggie, and Jeff I think his name was. They all wanted a ride home except for Brian, who walked off again. THen I mentioned that Arline was having a party, and all but Kim wanted to go. So I dropped her off. Then went to pick Colby up. Around 9 or so, we all got to the party, 3 hours late, oh well. There was Devon, Craig, Mike, Aimee, Cathy, Meghan, Elise, and Arline there already. So I settled down for the tame and boring party I thought was going to occur.

We all got gifts, I got some different brand of legos from Arline, they were pirates though, so it was good. Then after that, Maggie and Elise decided to go outside and take off their shirts. So they did. After about a minute or so, the group went out after them thinking they were kidding, but low and behold, they were running around with their shirts off. Nice sight. Elise had maybe a B cup and Maggie had D or DD. Anyways, that made Cathy, Aimee, and Arline take off their shirts too. So it was a good time. Soon me and Colby followed. Since it was cold out, we decided to continue this downstairs in the movie theater.

It was me, Arline, Maggie, Chistian, Elise, Devon, Cathy, Colby and Aimee downstairs. We then decided to play Truth or Dare but leaving out the Truth part. The first ones were really nothing. Somewhere in that bunch Devon was dared to kiss me. So that was good. No real fun. Then Colby got the dare to kiss me. Before they could say where, he kissed the back of my neck and said "Done." Thanks Colby for the quick thinking. Then Colby gave me the Dare to make out with any girl in the room. I picked Devon because she was leaving. So we went outside the room and she said "What are we doing?" I said "Well, I'm making out with you." She said "Ok" and it was pretty decent. She is a good kisser. Right after that, she left. I'll have to get her number or screen name. Anyways, I thanked Colby and him and Cathy left to make out somewhere else. Then it was my turn and I said for Maggie to make out with Christian. They didn't want to, so Maggie said "Well why don't you kiss Christian!" to me. I was against it because it was my dare, but they kept pushing and I decided to give in. Christian was squealing like a baby and covering himself like I was pouring acid on him. I'm completely comfortable with my sexuality. I like girls completely and kissing a guy won't really phase me at all. Right then Craig comes down and goes "Don't you fucking kiss him! I'll fucking elbow you in the fucking face if you fucking kiss him you sick fucker!" Can we say homophobe? Yep. Anyways, never ended up kissing him and called it a draw, after that, there really wasn't much except Arline, Maggie, and Aimee were getting really horny and started kissing each other. Whatever, fine with that. I went upstairs to get my can of Schweppes and Craig goes "Oh it's gay boy, how's it going gay boy?" All I have to say is I'm glad I'm out of highschool. Went back downstairs and Arline had stripped off her bra and was going around with her arms covering herself and flashed me a few times. No one else was doing it though, so that wasn't so much fun. Anyways, the party died down after that and we all went our ways and went home. I'll have to remember to ask Arline about Devon. She's kinda cute. Around midnight I drove Colby to Collin's house, got some Mickey Dee's, and then came home to talk to Jess and write down all this.

Note to Andrea: Please don't mention to Arline that I wrote anything about her, she'd probably freak out. You know how highschool girls are, hehe.

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