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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/271315-New-Years
Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#271315 added January 1, 2004 at 2:42pm
Restrictions: None
New Years
What a wild night, but first let's start on the 30th.

Nothing much really happened during the day, atleast of what I remember. I couldn't speak at all. My cellphone rang a few times and I just kinda looked at it. Arline wanted to do something, Sills wanted to do something, Steve wanted to do something, and even Britknee wanted to do something. I said no to all of them because I couldn't speak and was feeling kinda shitty. Britknee called at 7 and left a message on my cell saying that we had a date. I completely forgot that I put that in her phone, but I wasn't up to it anyways. Then she said "WAnt to come to Manda's?" I thought she meant drive her to Manda's and I go home. So I said no and she kept begging me to drive her. Finally she gave up and I said "Why can't Steve drive you?" she said "When did Steve come into this?" I said he had a car and she laughed and said "He can't because I want to hang out with you!" I still wasn't feeling up to it, but eh. Anyways, later on, me and Steve planned to go to Bickford's. Arline wanted to come to, so we got her. Had a grand old time eating and then around Midnight, we dropped off Arline. Next me and Steve were driving around and decided to play a game. "Lost" we called it. We drive around taking random turns to try and get completely lost and then find our way back home. It was really fun. We got lost somewhere in Duxbury. All in all, we had a blast and decided to do it again tomorrow.

The 31st

Woke up around 2 and called Steve, we decided to go to Bickford's and get lost again. At Bickford's I got a mouth full of bacon and Steve took a picture to show to his vegan friend. This girl that he likes. Just so you know, Steve, she'll tell you to disown me if you want a chance at her, hehe. Anyways, we went out and got lost. This time in Carver. We found the Kingston Stop and Shop and decided to stop for a bit. Got directions to the Kingston Mall (which was pretty much right down the road) and got a few things in Hot Topic. I got 2 Pirate shirts and a sticker that says "I leave bite marks" for Danielle. After I got home, I sat around for a little bit and then headed off to the party at Al's

I got there and was greeted by Jess, Danielle, Al, Bob, Mike, Pheobe, Kristen, Gretchen, Chris, Ashley, Bean, Pam, and a few other girls I didn't know. The fridge was completely full of Smirnov, Shnaups, and Gold Shloggers. Yay. I had a little too much to drink. It was around 8 when I got there and I got my first Smirnov. Went down good, felt good. Had my second and after that I was feeling kinda woozy. After 2 beers? Geez, I can't hold my liquor. Anyways, I continued and had a third, a shot of Goldshloggers, and a 4th. At this time I could barely stand. That's what happens when you're about 103lbs. Right after all the drinks I was having the time of my life. I was laughing my ass off. We played truth or dare and Al put black lipstick all over my face. I was stumbling around finishing up my roll of pictures, and then I felt.....bad. Went to the bathroom and puked a few times. After that ordeal, got out and lied on the couch. There I stay for the rest of the night. I puked on the floor once because I couldn't move. Bean wrote a sign that said "I suck" and put it in my pile of puke and put pancake mix in my hair. Ashley got an amazing picture of the scene. Jess and Mike were sitting with me after that. All this happened before midnight. At midnight I was a little jealous to see Mike and Jess kissing. Damn, I was supposed to get something out of that, but I was completely gone. I don't know if I saw right sicne it was out of the corner of my eye and the room was spinning, but I think it was on the lips and it went on for a long time. After that, I just wanted to sleep.

In the morning I was feeling like complete shit. I couldn't really move at all. The only time I got up was to go puke in the toilet. I never did though, I got there and sat in the bathroom for a few minutes waiting. Happened 4 times. Anywyas, Chris got some pepto-bismal and I was feeling a little bit better. I cleaned up my puke and watched TV. Around 1pm I went home.

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