Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/277515-Taxes-and-the-band
by Zaring
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #809654
A journal for my life. Inspired by Wannabe's DWC.
#277515 added March 6, 2004 at 4:15pm
Restrictions: None
Taxes and the band.
OK...Here’s the deal. I got started writing late tonight because of filing taxes, also because I worked with Justin today.

The filing taxes may end up being another short story. But working with Justin is something else all together. I don’t want to blow the assignment, but I also can’t rush the story that I’m writing. It’s only kinda funny now. But I want everyone to see the real big picture of this day!

I’m pretty sure that by this time tomorrow, I’ll be close to meeting the word challenge for the entire month.

There is a three part story going on that I can’t stop writing...but I know I won’t have it ready by deadline!

Let me just say: it includes pretty girls, cops, constables...

Oh...and the band, the car wash repair guy, lunch, the knocking over of mops and brooms that caused my computer to loose DSL! The band member that left the band for the reason of moving, yet he still hasn’t moved. That whole visit just re-enforced that I’m accepted as one of the guys. This isn’t really a good thing...especially since I’m a Gal!

Side note: I really do have an awesome time talking to the members of the band. Justin and I have laughed about me becoming the band manager on a few occasions. I promote the band a lot in the store! However, it’s just not my gig. While I do love the guys. I don’t think my fiance or my child would approve of me going on the road.

I would find myself totally lost. And the guys I’d be hangin’ with, are not exactly ones to be asking direction from! I’d be mother to the whole lot of them...I don’t think I would fare well.

Anyway...I’ll need some input for this next edition! I’m not sure of the rating. Nothing extreme, but a few innuendoes I’m not sure how to rate...Not X rated innuendoes...just typical guy verbiage!

Was that statement an oxymoron?
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