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Rated: 18+ · Book · None · #488496
Only rule you must follow if you know me: You can't get mad at me for what I write.
#278563 added February 21, 2004 at 1:49am
Restrictions: None
Catch up
The 18th:

I got up early so I could visit Kim. Then had some breakfast with Steve. Good stuff. Went to class which was pretty boring. In Spanish class I covered an entire page in my notebook by writing "Baby steps to 4 o'clock" I couldn't wait for work to see Kim. When that time finally came, I was happy again. Though she was leaving at 5, it was still good. The night went well and then around 9:30, Kim came back with Brian. They hung around till 11 when we went to pick up Colby to come to Bickford's. We could only spend about 10 minutes there before we had to leave, but nonetheless a good time. In our late night conversation, Kim whispered something very softly...

The 19th:

Kim was sick all day, so after class I picked up some tylenol sinus relief and throat candy. She liked those and we hung out in her bed for about 5 hours. I took good care of her while she was ill, though I think my methods gave me her sore throat, hehe. that's when the big "L" word came out. This was a good thing. I do love her. For the first time, I wasn't the first to say it. I love being with her. I love talking to her. I love kissing her. I love her. We went to Friendly's and ate some good old fashion food. After that we went to my house and Kim met my brother Rich. He was pretty shitfaced at the time, but she still thought he was a good person. That was good to hear. I was almost certain she would hate him because he was drunk. After that, I drove her home so she could go to Becky's party. I hung out with Steve and went to Bickford's as usual. We met up with Britknee and Kevin. Good to see them. Then the night ended with me talking to Kim and then passing out.


Woke up and basically did a repeat of yesterday. This time my visit to Kim's in the morning was a little more...intense. We'll just say I was working on my car and I burned my neck on the muffler. Ate breakfast with Steve and then went to class. I think nearly everyone asked about my "injury." After coming home I talked to my mum and she didn't approve of it, hehe. I told her it was Kim's fault and I had nothing to do with it. She said, "Don't let it happen again!" and I went out with Steve and Kim.

We went to the Kingston Mall and were going to see a movie. We had to strategically plan out how to get all 3 tickets to the movie we wanted, which was tough. But in the end, Steve went to Manda's instead. Me and Kim saw "Eurotrip" which was actually really hilarious. After the movie, a 13 year old girl was hitting on me and we tried to call Steve, but he had his phone off. I was scared shitless because I couldn't get in touch with him and Kim needed to be home soon. When he finally called, he came and got us and we sat in the back seat to "ditch him" as he did us. It was a fun time ditching Steve on the highway home. When we got home I talked to Kim and we officially became a couple tonight. I love you Kim.

Life is good.

And now for something completely different: A survey

[ series 1 ]
Name: Nicholas P. Vaughan
Birthday: August 30th, 1985, 2 days after Nintendo
Birthplace: Weymouth
Current Location: Norwell
Eye Color: people say blue
Hair Color: Brown
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Font: times new roman
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
Music: Pink Floyd, They Might Be Giants
Cartoon: Venture Bros.
Color: royal blue
Car: 1986 Mercedes-Benz SDL 300 series Turbo
Slushy Flavor: Grape
Magazine: umm..Playboy? I'm not really a magazine kinda guy.
TV Show: Venture Bros.
Song at the Moment: "I Met Her at the Rat" by The Queers
Language: American with a touch of Irish
Spice Girl: Posh has gotta be the best looking
Food & Beverage: food- chinese, drink- schweppes
Subject in School: math
Weekend Activity: work, friends
Frozen Yogurt: Oreo
Roller Coaster: The Dueling Dragons in Adventure Island, Florida
[ series 3 - what is ]
Your most overused phrase: How bout them Redsox?
First thing you thought when you woke up: Well, Kim woke me up.
Last image/thought you go to sleep with: I need to get up and brush my teeth
First feature you notice of opposite sex: Can't lie, chest
Best name for a Butler: Mortimor
Wussiest Sport: Croquet
Your best feature: personality
Your greatest fear: Failing
Your greatest accomplishment: having people at Stop and Shop say "God bless you for making me smile today."
Your most missed memory: Commander Cody and Ziggy Stardust, Bandit
[ series 4 - you prefer ]
Pepsi or Coke: Coke, but I love Schweppes, go figure
McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey Dee's
Single or Group Dates: Depends on the mood
Adidas or Nike: What about Reebok?
Chicken nuggets or Chicken fingers: Chicken McNuggets
Dogs or Cats: Dogs, they aren't as pissed off and bitchy
Rugrats or Doug: Rugrats. Tommy has bigger balls than Doug will ever have, that day dreaming pussy
Single or Taken: I've had my fun being single, now I like being taken
Monica or Brandy: No idea who they are
Tupac or Jay-Z: Tupac only because I've heard of him
Shania Twain or LeAnn Rhymes: Shania Twain, looks like Shaneen
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea
One pillow or Two: The more the merrier
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa: Arent they the same??
Cappucino or Coffee: Coffee bad, Caffiene good
[ series 5 - do you ]
Shower everyday: Yep
Have a crush: I'd say it's past that point
Think you've been in love: Currently I'm pretty sure
Want to go to college: Don't think that applies
Like high school: Sleep and pass? You better believe it
Want to get married: Not really
Type correctly: Always
Believe in yourself: Over anyone else
Have any tattoos? Where: Nope
Have any piercings? Where: I never felt the urge to see how tough I could be with Mommy's stuff.
Get motion sickness: Never, but I just found out there's a pill to cure it.
Think you're a health freak: I live off of Bacon, Pancakes, Energy Drinks, and Mickey Dee's. You bet I am.
Get along with your parents: Pretty much always
Like thunderstorms: Very much so. Haven't had one in awhile
[ series 6 - the future ]
Age your plan to be married: let's say 30-35
Number and names of children: Two kids, boy and girl, Girl is either Janelle or Destiny, Boy is either Kyle, Brian, or Cloud
Where will you be at age 20: Stop and Shop
Dream wedding: I like relaistic ones better
How do you want to die: Old and sickly, fighting till the end.
Dream job: Stop and Shop CEO, I'll get ther some day
Country you'd like to visit: Ireland
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
Best eye color: blue
Best hair color: Red
Short or long hair: kinda in the middle
Best height: between 5' and 5'8"
Best weight: Well, any girl over 120 usually despises me anyways...
Best clothes: Punk rock look
Best first date location: Friendly's
Best first kiss location: Door step
[ series 8 - other ]
Last time you slept with a stuffed animal: Last night
Rings before you answer the phone: However many times it takes me to take it out of my pocket while driving
What's on your mousepad: Corvette I think
How many houses you've lived in: 1
How many schools you've gone to: Cole, Sparrell, Goldman, NHS, BSC
Bedroom carpet color: Wood
Shave your head for $5,000?: Definately
Stranded on a desert island. Take three things. No people: Cell phone with a charger that runs on sand, Case of Schweppes, Ipod with charger that runs on sand
Best time of your life so far: A few


{right now}
[mood] Sickly, sore throat
[music] none
[time] 1:18am
[eating] nothing
[drinking] nothing
[wearing] jeans and socks
[thinking] wut im doin 2day
[wanting] Mickey Dee's, Kim
[weather] Cold outside, hot inside
[loving] Grammy, Kim
[hating] Dr. Pepper
[watching] Computer Screen

[what color are your walls?] Kinda whitish
[what does your room look like?] Very messy and such, but I can find everything.
[what are your favorite pictures you own?] Kim, Shaneen, Brian, Hyannis, New Years
[what are you wearing right now?] didnt i already tell you?
[what kinda shoes?] My comfy ones
[whats that good stuff I smell?] Candles that smell like wreaths
[what do your bed sheets look like?] Blue
[what is always right next to your bed?] My computer, usually me, empty soda cans
[what would describe you in one word?] Unpredictable
[most overused phrase?] Already asked this one too
[whats all on your wall's in your room?] Randomness really
[what do you think about before you sleep?] Kim
[do you pray?] Never
[are you an atheist?] Yes
[have any diseases?] Pack rat count?
[have any disorders?] Talking to myself about how I always talk to myself should count
[what would you wish for?] Cape Cod Potato Chips
[do drugs regularly?] Never
[drink like a lonely 40yr old man at a bar?] When I feel the need
[what song describes you best?] "Fuck the World" by The Queers
[funniest memory] I'd say when I was out with Ashley and Steve and I took Steve's car and ran up the snowhill
[saddest memory] Cody and Ziggy dying
[scariest memory] I don't get scared easily
[happiest memory] 2-15-04, Beso Kim
[best memory] No idea
[you're looking forward to] Summer
[you're not looking forward to] more class
[what are you doing online?] This survey
[who are you talking to?] Myself
[favorite bands?] dont Didn't we go over this too?
[favorite local bands?] No idea
[band that writes the best lyrics?] Pink Floyd
[band you'd be a groupie for?] Well, since the lead singer is a knockout, Arch Enemy
[ever done anything with a banana besides eat it?] You don't want to know...
[had sex more then once in a period of 5 months?] Yep
[do you like humping things?] Yep
[ever stuck your tounge out and wink at a hot guy/girl?] I winked at Mandy Moore adn made her giggle
[do you bark out the window?] Not bark, but yell and scream
[what are you addicted to?] Caffiene
[have any obsessions?] Stop and Shop
[current annoyance] Sore Throat
[what do you collect?] Everything, currently bouncy balls
[has the police ever been to your house because of you?] Well, they drove me home a few times.
[ever had to do community service?] The two times I was forced to, I got out of it because of a Doctor's Appointment and rain
[wheres your computer at?] My room
[what's all on your desk?] Cans, cups, CDs, W-2 forms
[whats behind you?] TV
[do you have a job?] I heart Stop and Shop
[where do you go to school?] BSC
[do you exercise regularly?] not really
[whats hanging from your ceiling?] Nothing is hanging.
{friends/people who}
[sits at your lunch table] Don't really have a lunch table
[last person you fell in love with] Kim
[makes you piss yourself laughing] Brian, Pat, Jaimie
[annoys you] No one now
[is a pervert] I take that role
[you miss the most] Kim, Sasha, Shaneen, Katie
[were in a car with] Steve
[was over your house] Steve
[you havent talked to in months] Well, I'd have to say Shaneen
[last person you went to a show with] Can't remember the last show I went to. I think it was Ozzfest 2002. If so, then Colby, Bill, and Brian.
[last persons house you were at] Kim
[last person that IMed you] Krys
[you want to die] Can't think of anyone
[you can tell anything to] Brian
[last person you emailed] I think my Mum
[you look like] My dad people say
[you wish you looked like] George Clooney
[acts like you the most] No idea
[has changed the most] No idea
[is a good friend you never get to see] Brian, Sasha, Shaneen, Katie
[are you most likely to marry] Well, Shaneen says we're getting married sometime. Melody says if she is still single at 35 we're getting married. Any other takers?
[do you talk to online, but not in person] Kristen
[has the nicest ass] Shaneen
[nicest lips] Well, I haven't tested out many other people's, so I'd say Kim
[guy that has the nicest hair] Me
[girl that has the nicest hair] Maria

{Have you ever}
[lied about your age] Yep
[broke the law] Yep
[cried in public] Yep
[commited suicide] Well, there was that time I died...
[ran away from home] Nope
[ran away from home and got caught] Nope
[been attracted to the same sex] Not sexually
[drank a whole bottle of bacardi 151] So close!
[puked from drug usage] Never
[puked from alcohol usage] Oh yeah
[made yourself puke] Never
[been to jail] Nope
[been to a crazy home] Sounds like fun
[got drunk/high at or before work/school] Well, does getting drunk New Years Eve and having a hangover for working the next day count as before?
[got your foot stuck in a chair] Pretty sure
[went for 3 days without showering] Think the longest is 4 days
[saved unusual things from people] South Park shirt from Kelly, Candle from Arline, Condom wrapper from Andrea
[stalked someone] Nope
[partied for a week straight] Nah, not a partier
[been fucked up for a week straight] Never
[been in an ambulance] Nope
[if so when/what for]
[pissed yourself] When I was little I always had to make the decision "Is it worth pushing pause on the game to go to the bathroom?"
[painted your nails black] I look hot
[thought you were a bird] Never
[chased a bird] When I was little
[almost killed a bird] One flew right infront of my car once and I swear I did hit it
[been stuck somewhere] Define stuck...
[made a screename with someones name in it] MajikRobot is my one and only
[slept with someone over 18] Close
[drank slimfast] That'd be suicide
[snorted when you laughed] Nope

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