Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/299335-Art-for-the-Sake-of-Ghouls
Rated: 13+ · Book · Mystery · #870102
Micro fiction containing a touch of horror, mystery, fantasy, and science fiction.
#299335 added July 21, 2016 at 8:23pm
Restrictions: None
Art for the Sake of Ghouls
Trisha grinned, sweeping her gaze across the crowd gathered in the gallery. My lovely ghouls, she thought. If only they knew.

"Perhaps, some do," she mumbled, spying the Duchess. Through her purchases, alone, the Duchess had transformed Trisha into a millionaire artist.

Approaching her favorite fan, Trisha imagined reaching out a tendril to tap the other woman's shoulder.

The Duchess shivered. Startled, she swung around to face Trisha. "I must have it," she breathed. "What do you call it?"

"Frank N. Stein," Trisha announced. She crooked her lips into a wry smile as the Duchess' fingertips caressed the painting's blood red background, and its patches of human skin and muscle.


110 words

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