Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/317349-Chapter-Twenty
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #915981
A small town is turned upside down when a handsome young man comes looking for his friend.
#317349 added October 19, 2006 at 3:53pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Twenty
At the Sheriff’s Department Mandy sat in Jeff’s office. She had just finished telling him everything Mark had told her. She then asked him, “Do you have any idea who these two guys might be?”

“I do but how do we go about proving it?”

“Who do you think they are Jeff?”

“Well, I think the big guy he described definitely sounds like Gill Matheson.”

“I figured the same thing. What about the other guy? I don’t know who that could be, do you?”

“I’ll have to think about that one. That description fits a few guys in town. But then again, he may not be from here.”

“You’re right. If we can prove it was Gill then we can maybe find out who the other guy was. One other thing Jeff, do you think it would be possible to get one of the local police to keep an eye on Mark? After all they tried to get rid of him once they might try to finish the job.”

“You’re right. I’ll get right on it.

“I’ll tell Paul about the guard and I’ll tell Vickie too. I don’t want them getting upset when they see the guard.”

“It’s your call.”

“Thanks Chief” said Mandy. Is there anything you need me for right now? I’ll turn in my official report tomorrow morning. Paul is waiting at my desk for me. I’m going to take off a little early if you don’t mind. If you need me for anything you can reach me at home.”

Jeff raised an inquisitive eyebrow, but she didn’t bite. “That’s fine. You go ahead. By the way; good job!”


Paul and Mandy arrived at her house and went inside. “You know where everything is, help yourself, I’ll be right out.”

Mandy went into the bedroom and changed from her uniform into a pair of slacks and shirt. She twisted her hair up and secured it with a banana clip. She then went into the closet and got a pair of Cappizio ballerina slippers and put them on.

When she came out of the bedroom she found Paul sitting on the couch looking very pensive. She walked up to him and sat down next to him. “Okay Paul, now tell me, what’s going on with you?”

“I’m sorry for last night. Last night really scared me; I wasn’t ready for the feelings that suddenly welled up in me. When I kissed you I felt things I’ve never felt before. I didn’t know how to react. That’s why I ran out of here last night. You did nothing except be the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met. If I hurt you, I’m so sorry. That is the last thing I ever want to do.”

“Paul, I was hurt only because I thought I had done something to get you upset with me. I’ve been having those same feelings.”

He reached over and took her face in his hands and leaned forward and kissed her, a very gentle and tender kiss. Mandy began to feel the same stirrings she had felt last night. She responded to his kiss with her whole self. They continued to kiss with each kiss becoming more intense. He wondered if she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He slid his hand down to her throat and continued until he felt her breasts beneath his hand. They were soft and firm. She leaned into his hand and responded to his kiss with more intensity. He stood up from the couch, extending his hand to her and she took it and stood up. She leaned into him and he bent his head down and kissed her softly. She put her arms around his neck and returned his kiss with a passion she hadn’t felt for a very long time. They both knelt down onto the thick rug in front of the fireplace. He knew without a doubt now that she wanted him too. He kissed her again. This time his kiss was more demanding and she responded with the same passion. She began to unbutton his shirt while he unbuttoned hers. They removed each other’s shirts all the while kissing each other with each kiss more demanding than the last. He got up and removed his jeans while she stripped off her slacks. He guided her back until she was lying on the rug. He then leaned over her and began to kiss her face, as his hands explored her body. She writhed beneath him with her passion threatening to explode. She could feel him, hard and throbbing against her. She wanted him more than she ever imagined possible. He slowly entered her. She moaned with passion. He kissed her again and again, hard, desperate kisses. Mandy responding to each kiss with her own passionate kiss. They moved in rhythm with one another. He thrust himself inside of her harder and deeper with each thrust. Suddenly they both felt it. It was like a great explosion. She cried out as she reached her climax. One like she had never experienced before. Paul kissed her again, this time, a very soft gentle kiss, then he rolled over to lie beside her. Mandy rolled over on her side to face him. “Paul, I know my couch is comfortable but my bed is even more comfortable. What do you say we head in that direction, before we end up sleeping on this rug.”
“Why Mandy Blake! Are you inviting me into your bedroom?”

Instead of answering Mandy stood up and extended her hand to him. He took it and got up to face her. Mandy reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him. “Is that answer enough”, she asked.

“Oh yes!!” He lifted her in his strong muscular arms and carried her into the bedroom where he gently laid her on the bed. He lay down next to her. Mandy laid her head on his shoulder and placed her arm over his chest. She had never felt so warm and safe as she did at that moment.

Paul could feel himself hardening again. He began moving his hand over her body, exploring every curve until he reached the slight swell of her belly. He continued to move his hand ever so gently over her stomach and imagined that same stomach swollen with child. He surprised himself with that thought. Where did that come from? He thought to himself. He quickly moved his hand lower and felt the soft tuft of hair that rose from between her legs.

Mandy slowly spread her legs open and he continued down until he felt the softness of her womanhood. He began to stroke her moving ever so gently.

Mandy arched her back in order to meet his hand and began to move her hips. She began to feel the warmth rising in her again. She was ready to receive him again. She wanted to feel him deep inside of her.

Instead he surprised her by getting up and sliding down until his mouth found the warmth between her legs. He began to tease her with his tongue and she thought she would go crazy. She began to move her hips in rhythm until she let out a scream as she exploded in the greatest orgasm she had ever experienced.

When she was able to get control of herself, she said “It’s your turn now.” He came up to her and kissed her hard and deep searching her mouth with his tongue as she responded to his probing.

She finally separated herself from him and sat up. “Turn over on your back.”

Paul turned over and she positioned herself between his spread legs. She took him into her mouth and began to stroke him with her tongue. His eyes almost crossed as she continued to tend to him. When he felt like he was close to loosing his seed, he took hold of her shoulders and lifted her up and turned her onto her back. He placed himself above her and slowly guided his shaft into her. She arched her back and lifted herself up to take him in. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began to move in rhythm with him. They both reached their peak at the same time. Paul reared back and let out a loud yell as he spilled his seed deep inside of her. He collapsed on top of her and all she could do was hold onto him for dear life with him still deep inside of her.

He finally rolled over off of her. He took her in his arms. She laid her head on his shoulder with her arms resting comfortably on his chest. They fell asleep in each other’s arms that night.

© Copyright 2006 Jazelle Vornet (UN: jazellevn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Jazelle Vornet has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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