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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/318810-Of-Sleeping-Dogs
Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #737885
The Journal of Someone who Squandered away Years but wishes to redeem them in the present
#318810 added December 20, 2004 at 10:14am
Restrictions: None
Of Sleeping Dogs
I thought about sleeping with the light off last night, but once I laid down, I decided against it. The main bed was moved down into the living room in preparation for Jean entering hospice. The bed in the living room now looks right up the stairs to the doorway to the bedroom. So when I lay down, I'm looking up straight at the bedroom door.
I'm scared of "thinking" I see something there. So I sleep with the light on. I got 7 straight hours of sleep last night, which is good. I had to be up early today to call the bank on the east coast and transfer that money so that if her ex-H wants to be a dick on wheels, he's going to have a difficult time of it.
It seems like my plans are going to work out. God, let's hope so. Because if he fucks with Jean's final wishes, I'm going to have to make him regret it in some way or another, and I'd seriously have to contemplate how far across the line of legality I wish to go.

Jean has a medical power of attorney thing, and when she checked into hospice, we had to put it onto the refrigerator (Aside: If you're ever in the situation I found myself in, you're not supposed to call 911 - because obviously you're trying to help someone die. But any kind of medical power of attorney should be put onto the front of the refrigerator. It's a standard place EMTs look for such a thing, I learned).

On it... let me go get it...
Under special provisions and limitations she wrote (in big capital letters)
"Thomas H. LASTNAME is to have NO say in anything! He is a vengeful jackass."

It made everyone laugh when they read it. That is Jean. Never miss an opportunity to say what needed to be said.

At some point I'll mail that to that fuck, along with perhaps a bag full of cat shit, perhaps. I don't know. Maybe comb through her old journal and see what lovelies she had to say about him when he was dragging their divorce out.

I have an interesting opportunity here:
Tom has said to Jean's mom that "now I don't need to finish the divorce." Technically true.
But if he does not, I have an opportunity to cause him some distress. And frankly, since I know more of you are reading this nowadays - I'd encourage you to give me any insights you have into the following idea:

I could burden him with all of her medical bills, student loans, and maybe a few other things (taxes). Hey, if he doesn't want to finish the divorce, why not make him enjoy it!
But... perhaps I should let a sleeping dog lie. Why rouse him to irritation? If I foist off some of those things on him, he may indeed come after the money that as of today I've probably secured from him.
One thing I know I will not do here is Jean's taxes. Well, there's nothing to those anyway since she was on disability.
I'm also never giving him a death certificate, nor am I telling anyone what mortuary she's in. If I control that, then I can control for certain whether Tom can ever go and try to take things that were Jean's (cats, and the money, primarily).

Jean would certainly enjoy it if Tom was inconvenienced or worse due to his not following through on the divorce. But so long as the settlement money from the divorce is never contested, I think it's probably better not to do anything with Tom at all.

I don't always believe in karma, actually. You see too many Saddam Husseins in the world get away with things to think that it's consistent.
But I hope that worthless jackass gets what he has coming to him, and I hope god and Jean deliver it together with just delight.

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