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#329716 added February 22, 2005 at 10:23am
Restrictions: None
The Bush Tapes
I actually sat an listened to educated news reporters asking out loud why it was news that President Bush admitted to smoking dope on secretly recorded tapes. I continued to listen as one said he never came clean about his drug use before because he did not want to be a bad example to his kids, and another reporter argued that he had turned his life over to the Lord when he was 40 years old, so nothing that happened before he was forty mattered. Another reporter said she thought he had admitted to drug use before now, she was mistaken. Interestingly enough the FBI asks these types of questions on forms before a President takes the oath of office. Has Bush broken the law, again?

There was a brief bashing of the man who recorded the tapes and his profit motive. Ah!!! Like Bush and his administration, who only does what is absolutely best for the people of the United States.

Here is how I see it:

The Christian answer:

The devil will let you rise as far as possible, and the devil can quote the Bible as well as the Pope and in as many languages, and when the rug is pulled out from under you it will be very public and very ugly. Here is a man that has risen to hold the Presidency of the United States of America, and this has the possibility of being the ugliest thing ever seen.

A Soldier's Mother's answer:

My son is risking his life in Iraq, ordered there by a Commander-in-Chief that is now heard on tape admitting to smoking dope. God help us, and bring America's troops home soon as possible.

A Retired Military Officer's Wife's answer:

It is a good thing that my husband is retired now after thirty years of Military service. I know how disgusted he was with Bill Clinton's signature on his retirement papers, now I can tell him it is not so bad... Bush, the dope smoker, could have signed them. Sigh...

A tax payer's answer:

Who Cares if Bush is smoking dope then or now, the way Bush is spending the tax payer's money there won't be any left after four more years. I just hope that America can't meet Bush's retirement pay obligations, now that would be justice... let Bush live off of Social Security.

A Voter's answer:

I am not one of the nearly 59 million STUPID people that voted for Bush.

A News Junkie's answer:

Gez, this is only the second month of his second and last term. Congrats to his speech writer's, and I wonder if the Presidential addmissions secret dope recordings are a plant to distract us from something even bigger. To look at Bush, he looks like a mild mannered Clark Kent, but under those expensive clothes beats the heart of risk taker, a gambler, a dope smoker, a drunk, and the President of the United States of America... my HERO.

The Hateful, Ugly, Unreasonable, UnChristian answer:

And if y'all want to believe Bush when he says he loves Condi like a sister ... I'll wait and worry about the report of incest to come out next.

Laura must be a SAINT, you think?

We are all capable of many modes of thought, true freedom allows us to speak our minds... Bush would not be the first President to do unthinkable things, but he is the very first President to lead America into a pre-emptive invasion of another country. I have been raised to believe that "Might does not make right." Think about this ladies and gentlemen, America's greatest strength is our military might. Carter almost single handedly dismantled our military. JFK and Clinton were both guilty of adultry, and Nixon resigned the Presidency because of Watergate, and Ford pardoned Nixon and the draft dodgers of the Vietnam era, but Bush and his Administration are commiting crimes and not being held accountable, at least while they are still in office. Who will want to be President after four more years of Bush?

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