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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #944791
A young Lord wins his bride Sapphire in a poker game. Can love happen between these two?
#331668 added November 22, 2015 at 10:35am
Restrictions: None
The Meeting Of The Spouses To Be
Sapphire invited Quentin to sit down on the love seat which was brown in color. The Earl's house wasn't as fancy as Quentin's home.Quentin's home, Evergreen Estate was considered the best and most beautiful mansion in England outside of Buckingham Palace. Quentin didn't judge people. He still didn't want to get married but at least Sapphire was more beautiful then he expected. He would probably have to give up all his mistresses. He would miss them. He kept thinking how did he get himself into this? The sound of Sapphire's voice bought him back to reality.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Sapphire smiled. Quentin thought that she looked like an angel.
"Yes, thank you. That would be nice."
Instead of calling for the maid, Sapphire got up and made the tea herself. Quentin was impressed.

Just then a large grey wolfhound entered the room and went up to Quentin. Quentin petted him. He had dogs and cats at his estate. He was no stranger to them.
Sapphire came back with Quentin's tea and handed it to him. She even smelled good. Sapphire petted the wolfhound and called him "Wolfie."

Quentin finally asked Sapphire. "Where are your parents?"
"They went out for the day. They wanted you and I to get a chance to get to know each other."
"How do you feel about us getting married?" Quentin asked her.
"Father says it's time for me to get married. He told me that you won me in a poker game. You had the lucky hand of cards. I was also told you aren't the marrying kind."
Quentin put down his tea. He chose his words carefully. "I'm not the marrying kind. I have three mistresses but after were married, I won't be seeing them anymore. I haven't a clue to what married men and wives do except for one thing." Sapphire blushed at this. He continued. "I am willing to give it a try if you are."
Sapphire was quiet for awhile. She finally spoke. "Mother says that I have to be a tolerant wife and support my husband no matter what he does. I'm glad to hear that you won't keep your mistresses after we are married. I feel a husband and wife should be committted to each other."

"Good advice. Your mother has taught you well. You sound like a lady in every sense of the word."
"Thank you. I think we can make our marriage work." Sapphire and Quentin looked at each other for the longest time without speaking. Quentin was relieved that he was getting a beautiful bride and Sapphire was happy that she was going to get a handsome husband as well as one who was going to give up his mistresses. Most men would have been arrogant and behaved like a pompous ass under the circumstances.

Sapphire was unhappy when her father told her how he had acquired a husband for Sapphire earlier that morning. Winning a husband for a daughter in a poker game was a disgrace but Lester told Sapphire she was going to be married. She had been given a chance to choose her own husband. She had her season of three balls. Not one man had won her heart. David had stepped on her feet the whole time she danced with him. Murray spilled punch on her pretty blue dress and ruined it. Bryan had kissed her on the terrace and was touching her in unforbidden ways. She had slapped him and the rest of the men had refused to be around her that night. The other young men that she had met were immature and arrogant. Sapphire was in no hurry to get married but her parents were. They were afraid that she would end up an old spinster. Quentin cleared his throat and Sapphire was back to reality.

"When do your parents went us to wed?"
"Next week. Is that alright with you, Quentin?"
"Yes. What about you?"
"I'm alright with this. I'm sorry that you won the lucky hand of poker and now you will be stuck with me."
Quentin got off the love seat and walked over to Sapphire. He lifted her hand and kissed it. He said: "Life deals us the cards and we play them. Sometimes, we win. I am not saying I am all ready for marriage but I like your father and he is a good friend. You seem like a gentle creature not to mention a beautiful one. If I have to marry someone, I'm glad it will be you now that I met you."
Sapphire smiled. Quentin thought that she looked like an angel even though he had never seen one.Quentin told her that he better be going. He would be in touch with her father. He kissed her cheek before he left and Sapphire felt like she was in Heaven. Maybe this marriage thing would work out after all. Sapphire's heart was pounding so fast. She hoped that they would fall in love.

Quentin felt in a better mood then when he had arrived. His mistresses paled in beauty compared to Sapphire. She was well named. A sapphire. A precious jewel indeed. Maybe this marriage thing wouldn't be so bad after all.
Word Count: 874

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