Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/361776-6-Week-Self-Imposed-Deadline
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #942302
Sunflower's Blog
#361776 added July 25, 2005 at 2:36am
Restrictions: None
6 Week Self-Imposed Deadline
I've done the math on the dates. It would seem more people might by my book if it comes out before Christmas, and can be given as a Christmas present. I not only want to publish this book, I want to sell it!

I haven't decided on a company yet. A firm in India called www.cyberwit.com has the best price by far, and shipping is not a problem. $700.00 to deliver 200 hardback books to my door. But, I would be listed with Amazon.com/uk. That's not exactly my neighborhood.

American companies charge more for their services, but they also sell promotion packets and materials. I want to be at public book signings in different cities. I have informayion on publishing from: Author House, Vantage Press, Lulu.com, and Infinity Publishing. I sent requests for bids, basically, to two or three other companies too. They offer basically the same stuff for the same price.

Since I want to have "coloring book" pages in my book, I want to draw them, or figure out how to use Photoshop to create what I want. As I'm re-organizing folders tonight, I'm thinking I should get started on some pictures too. Can a person learn Photoshop overnihght? How difficult is it? Maybe I should start tomorrow by opening that book. This is gonna be difficult, but envigorating.

In six weeks, I want to have it together and send it in. The manuscript. Nice ring, don't you think? That should get my book to the public before Christmas.

If I fall behind, I'll just look forward to a 2006@ copyright for my book. Promotion may be at a snail's pace then. Yes, I ought to hurry this up. That would put my self-published book in contention for awards a year earlier. I will hunt down those competitions next, after publishing.

Either way, I'm doing it--now!!! And every day as full time as possible for six weeks. Wish me well on my deadline, I'm not great with them.
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