Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/362392-Ex-In-Laws--Dog-Grooming-Yep-just-for-you-Scarlett
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#362392 added July 28, 2005 at 8:15am
Restrictions: None
Ex In-Laws & Dog Grooming (Yep, just for you, Scarlett)
Well, you can blame Scarlett, but I'm going to mention my dogs trip to the groomer. I freely admit that he was a bit overdue for a grooming. He's a West Highlander Terrier, a beautiful little white dog, yappy and excitable, but his fur can get a little matted when it gets longer and he doesn't have the patience for regular brushing (nor do I).

He loves going out in the car and he looks so cute sitting up on the chair watching the world go by. Sometimes he likes to sit pointer style with his nose, his head, his whole body rivitted out of the front windscreen. It's like he's watching where we are going, eager to get there. *Smile*

I went back three hours late to pick him up and he's been shorn good and proper. They had to cut it shorter than they normally would have for Winter but it's the same adorable Summer cut we get for him. My mother thinks he looks like Sir Diddymus from The Labyrinth. *Smile* Anyway, because of the chilly weather his fur is too short to give much warmth so the groomer suggested getting him one of those doggy jackets.

Man, what some people put on their dogs. It's shameful. There were footy jerseys and cardigan type things etc. I got her attention quick and said "NO CLOTHES". I'm not putting clothes on my dog. If I wanted my dog wearing people clothes he can wear Kaylie's clothes. Anyway, I did find something that is perfect. A cute red and black tartan-pattern jacket that is more like a horse blanket, it straps up underneath and across the chest.

Being tartan it seems to suit him well. *Smile* He looks adorable in it and seems very happy. I'll have to take a photograph of him now so you can all see.

And, just because I'm not comfortable dedicating a whole entry to my dog (I must admit I've done well so far *Wink* ) My second subject involves Ex In-Laws.

Paul was never big on family. He only visited his mother and siblings when he wanted something. His father had left when he was ten and he hadn't heard from his for years until a couple of years ago when his sister got in touch. Since then his father's partner tends to contact us, his father did occasionally call to talk to him on the phone but never got much warmth, and Cheryl (the partner) emails me lots of those funny joke emails etc.

I hadn't told Cheryl that Paul and I had split up. I felt being his family it's his responsibility to share that information with them. I did however send her an e-card for her birthday and she sent me a lovely letter in response saying thank you and catching me up with a little of how she is. Apparently she had heard that Paul and I are separated from Paul's sister. Obviously Paul still doesn't think much of family.

It's amazing the sorts of differences you notice with distance. I've always thought family was very important and I'm very close to my family (and wish I could be closer with my father's side like I am with my mothers). It always annoyed me that he didn't make an effort with his family. I think this is one of the traits I'll notice in anyone I date from now on. To me it's important to want to be with your family.

It seems trivial perhaps, but bonds of blood give you a right to be someones friend. At least I feel that way. Possibly because I have so much trouble making friends. I'm glad Cheryl and Graeme (Paul's father) still want to talk to me. I'll definately do all I can to keep up our relationship. I'll have to hunt up some photographs to send them shortly. *Smile*

Have a great day/night everyone and if you haven't talked to your family in a while, drop them a line. Everyone appreciates knowing you love them and think about them.

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