Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/398818-Blogging
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#398818 added January 12, 2006 at 11:34am
Restrictions: None
I’m hitting w/ Adam during my lunch break Then, afterwards, Healy Point Adam is bringing me lunch. We have some tennis stuff to discuss

Traci and I hit last night. No points played, just hitting the ball. We are much better than we were during the summer. I concentrated on moving my feet – and, picking up the ball from her point of contact. Trying to judge where I think the ball might land…what type of bounce it has. She said she appealed her 3.0 rating and will play 2.5 for one more season. I hope we do better next time around.

I won my match the other night! Yay me. Plus, I won all of my service games! Double Yay. Yes, my serve was solid, but, my partner was on at the net – helping me to win those games. We got our revenge back. I emailed Reeves about hitting w/ Laney and he made a joke about me being afraid of the next match! Yeah, right. I am getting better at returning his serves though.

The poetry contest is going okay. I wrote down a rough draft, but think I may use a different approach. I do like my subject matter though. Plus, I got an email from last year’s winner saying the first round isn’t that tough. Whew. I really want to make it past the first round. Not setting my sights on winning, although, its still on the radar.

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