Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/411694-Gearing-up-for-the-Bullfrog-Tournament
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#411694 added March 8, 2006 at 12:55pm
Restrictions: None
Gearing up for the Bullfrog Tournament
The lawn guys are out here, and the ice guys. I’m inside the facility, sanitizing. Oh joy. We have a huge tournament coming this weekend. The Bullfrog. It’s what’s called a Southern Section tournament. Nine states are involved. The draws are full – or close to it 60 plus players in each division. I’ve walked the courts earlier and taken care of a few minor issues.

Regardless, this has set me back from my Rapid Rally schedule. – ugh. I really need to work up a flyer and for some odd reason, I’m brain dead here. Sheesh what’s up w/ me anyway? Never mind, don’ answer that.

Laney won her second high school match. She played the number two position. All singles levels won, so the girls won as a team. They really have a chance at the team state thing if they work hard and don’t loose focus. She plays again this afternoon at the other tennis center. Again, I will miss it. Not sure if Bryan will be able to make it either. oh, the boys won all five of their levels!

I lost my match last night. 3:6. We kicked butt in the second set though – just not quite hard enough. Especially since my serve was off too. OMG! I gotta work on it. But my net game was pretty decent. And my backhand shots were much better than last week. I’ve got team practice tomorrow evening.

Well, I guess I had better get back to work. I’ll be doing more court stuff – at least I’m outside on this gorgeous day – blue skies – high in the lower seventies!

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