Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/414468-7-1
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#414468 added March 22, 2006 at 8:56am
Restrictions: None
Poor Laney. She blew her winning streak. (She's 7-1 for her high school season so far). She sooo wanted to get through the season undefeated, but she lost yesterday. At the number one singles position too. I felt so bad for her. And if that weren’t enough, the girls lost as a team too. Now, they are tied for first w/ our oh-we-hate-them-so-much rival school. (how did this happen?) I know those girls are celebrating our loss. But hey, the win, (when our girls get to go to state) will be all the more sweeter…ya know?

I lost my match last night too – (I won last week in singles – did I tell you guys?) so, anyway. We won the first set 6-4, lost the second 5-7 and never even showed up for the third, loosing 6-1. Shame on us! In our defense, our opponents are college students! They should be able to beat to forty-somethings…right?

Anyway, I’m tired and don’t want to work today, wishing I was at home, vegging our in front of cable TV eating chocolate soy ice cream.

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