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What I'm thinking about today. . .
#415918 added March 29, 2006 at 12:53am
Restrictions: None
News Writing is Totally Different From My Natural Style
I've finally birthed an issue for writing with passion. "Aliens." www.italknews.com is a very different writing situation to home sweet here. The focus of the site is writing news stories, and opinion editorial articles, and submitting links of perceptive news stories from the world wide.

The only person I've met from Texas is a very questionable character whose initials are HM. I won't say bad things, but this is an unbelivable person. I have "friends", people who I can agree with, and who have a good grasp of English communication skills, from literally all over the world. A friend in Paris, an Iranian student in NY, a serious writer from the NYC area, and several little old lady southern types. I guess what I'm saying is that they generally agree with me, or rather visa versa. Several writers are prolific, and it's interesting to study how personality shows up in a news story.

I've done more editing than composing. Journalism style writing was never my forte -- so I'm up to a bit of a challenge. Anyway, if I've been absent from blogging it's because I've been reading, and learning at a new place. However, Writing.com will always be my home.

Before Christmas I had promised someone that I'd write a review for "Passion of Christ", directed by Mel Gibson. I fell into a Netflix Internet offer, and received the DVD in the mail last week. One late evening I turned off all the lights in the house, pulled up a blanket, and totally engrossed myself in the film. Then, I went to sleep. I haven't written anything yet, but the night is young.

In the process, I realized that I forgot my formula for writing reviews, when I was going through that genre a few months back. So, brava! I've printed four documents to turn into an article.

I think I'm writing again, The air has been particularly bipolar lately. I go for my follow-up mammogram tomorrow afternoon, so I might hear more info on it before the end of the week. They're just repeating the x-rays, and adding a sonogram.

There's another place on the Internet that I ran across that pays for writing content. There are options for pay, or not, exclusivity, or not. I think to get paid for writing on the net, I won't be able to keep a duplicate copy here. To get paid, these people want it all. Check 'em out at www.AssociatedContent.com, if you have the interest. It's my strongest lead to writing for pay.

As "Pat Rice Research and Writing", I enjoy searching for information, processing it, coming to conclusions, and telling people what I think. They seem to call that an opinion editorial article. One has to have information to make an intelligent decision, and I've decided to take on the issue of Immigrant Reform Legislation, or "aliens". It'll be a hot topic in the news for the next month or so. It's a real problem that Americans need to deal with.

Op Ed on this week's Idol (not giving anything away for Scarlett):

Chris rocked too hard.

Kelly wasn't cute enough.

Lisa and Paris grew up, a lot! (Stylists influence, you know)

Taylor does know a song from the 21st Century.

Bucky can rock, like country music, man. Simon, of course doesn't get it.

Elliot can powerhouse like a Black dude.

Katharine likes Christina.

Mandisa can sing gospel.

Tall, dark and handsome has a scar, a song, and an enthusiastic audience,

And with my "American Idol" review, I guess I'll call this done for the night. Peace.

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a Sunflower in Texas has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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