Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/421659-Lunch-Break-Interuppted
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#421659 added April 25, 2006 at 12:26pm
Restrictions: None
Lunch Break Interuppted
Every time i try to break for lunch the phone rings. Or the Coke man drops by with his delivery - with his hand out asking for money. Or the air condition guy swings by to fix the a/c from the work order i faxed WEEKS ago. (the joys of middle management)


I’m sleepy. Plus, I still don’t feel good. I tried playing tennis last night – boy did I suck – but I could barely hang. Now, my chest feels tight. I sure hope this sinus allergy thing hasn’t dropped into my lungs. I’m taking it easy today, to see how I feel. I’ll hit the doctor’s off ice on Thursday – if I don’t feel any better by then.

I’m rambling now, but I was asked to do another article for the RSI mag! (yay me). I’ve worked out a rough draft outline. I see two possible directions. I need to pick one. Or, even better – find a way to incorporate both! If I do well, it may be more than just a back page piece. (possible double yay) no pressure though.

Laney just called; they’ve postponed the state tournament due to weather. Not sure when but it won’t take place tomorrow. Practice here this afternoon.

With tomorrow unexpectedly free up, I guess I should go to the doctor – eh?

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