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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/421664-Why-I-blog
by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
#421664 added April 26, 2006 at 2:10am
Restrictions: None
Why I blog
Sup everyone

Today i'm just going to talk a little about why I even have this blog. I was thinking about this last night and i never mentioned this here. Well, one of the more obvious reasons i display my various rantings here on these topics is that I don't normally talk about it. All of these things on society and women and the ills of the world I talk about I don't chat about them with anyone. Well, actually I recently shared a portion of what I believe in with one person, but apparently we don't talk anymore so I guess its safe to say I don't talk to anyone about it. People don't realise that I AM seeing what is going on in the world. I'm not just idly standing by looking at the sky, i'm obvserving and noting all that is going on. I don't talk about most of these things because it just doesn't seem 'cool' (that's the best word I could think of at this point in time) to. Why should i talk against some of the things that my even my close friends do? Why should i preach against some of the wrongs of today's society when I myself ALSO partake in some of them!!

I HAVE to post all of my thoughts and feelings here because i'm 100% sure that not even half the people in my life know the depth that I'm capable of. I always have on a mask which protects my emotions and true feelings from everyone else. I mask my thoughts so they would not know what i truly think. I'm sure everyone else does this, but to the extent which i do it I think some would see it as shocking. If I die, I don't want people to know me as the guy who was just did silly shit and laughed alot and played games. I don't want my parents to see me as the son who never smiled when he was home and always looked unhappy. I want them to know that I AM beyond what they just appear to notice and that there is a truly intelligent person lying underneath all of that nonsense. Odd to believe, but some people think of Banks to be a stupid guy :)

Speaking of when I die, I am of the belief that I will actually die young. Yes, it is true I do actually believe that I will die young. It like how Malcom X knew that in 1966 he would be assasinated by someone, I know that sometime in the near future my life will be taken. I have known this for some time now, but only recently I realised that if I do die there is no record left of me and all the stuff I ever thought and believed in. So my blog, this what I am currently writing is my diary.

Life is dangerous in the country that I live in and at any moment I can lose my life. Also, I cannot picture how or where I will be in 10 years. I cannot see myself with a wife, house or children. I mean, i WANT to be married and I would love to have children, but I just cannot picture it happening. I mean, this is a common thing among some guys where they can't see something happening in the futrue, but for me its different.. I can't describe it, but i just KNOW that I won't make it to be a ripe old age. Its weird I know, but at least I can expect it. I'm lucky to still be alive even now. So much murders and kidnappings are occuring and at the late hours i travel its a wonder I'm not a victim...

As I said, my blog is here for people to read and see how NOT to live. I want so much for not only my country, but for the world. If you want society to change you must first start with people, you must first start with a person. Each person must change their own self before they point a finger and expect others to change. I want so much, but i do so little. All I can do is just offer my blog for people to read.. maybe i can change ONE person's life.. if i can just do that then I know my job is done.

Before I wrap this up, I just to say thanks to my good friend Courtney. To me she always be my good friend no matter what. Because of her I'm now blogging everyday!!! Can you believe that? Its weird how it happened, but something happened and I'm now preparing topics and writing them out. Life is weird like that. I'm just happy to start back writing! So Courtney, this one is for you, whether you knew it or not

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