Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/427645-Chapter-Three---Conflict-Confronted
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1107367
The Time Without
#427645 added October 10, 2006 at 12:19pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Three - Conflict Confronted
Chapter Three
Conflict Confronted
Poem Eleven


Sometimes the enemy
Cannot be seen

Hiding beneath niceties
Disguised realities

What ‘tis the motivation?
Why the defecation

Of ones own clan
Who is this man?

Behind befuddlement
He hides his defilement

The laws of land
Holding his hand

Giving him maniacal right
Sanctioning this selfish blight

Where shall I find
That space in my mind?

Between stimulation
And reaction

Before I respond
And rear back
For I have been wronged
Feel compelled to attack

Chanting as high and true
As is appropriate of Dragon Blue

Lifting my outstretched arms above
With magick sword drawing blood

From mine own hand
Dripping upon the sand

That I have drawn and filled full
My magick circle and pentacle

Maintaining power from the pain
As the light of blue surround this plane

Of the orb that ‘tis from within
He shall not escape my PEN

Within his mind
I reach and find

That fragile strand
Connected to the nerve
As a transistor wave band
For logic coordination to serve

The fine line between
And upon it lean

Causing a kink in the flow
Zeroing down in domino

Taking his ability
To harm or hurt myself
My Prodigy

Then back to his inner eye mirror
Bringing up the rear

With his own reflection
His senses divided into sections

Will it drive him mad?
Not too far – he must feel sad

Emotion of grasping
For straws – time elapsing


Thief to his own soul

If only my sixth sense
Knowing that this intense
Action will bring upon me
Karmic debt by three

For I must follow the reed
And not succumb to my need

To see justice finally prevail
Over this egotistical male

His own time will come
To pay the reaper in full sum

For that which he has wrought
His soul sold and bought


Sometimes the enemy
Cannot be seen

Hiding behind niceties
Disguised realities



#1. Review Of "Controlled" (nw) [Rated: 13+]

Review By: milkywayman (2)
Date and Time: 04-22-06 @ 9:21pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 497 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Hello DragonBlue (5)

Strength of words, strength of conviction. This is surely felt. What goes around comes around and is most often felt tenfold. If not in this lifetime, then in the next. His disguised reality will surely be dealt with. For the Master &/or Mistress is out there who will see through this guise and will have more strength than that of him.
Yet the power of wishes and words make it felt that this soul has hurt a gentle soul deeply.


#2. Review Of "Controlled" (nw) [Rated: 13+]

Review By: Tigger: IDWW Addict (94)
Date and Time: 09-16-05 @ 12:36pm
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 591 Characters
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Of ones own clan
ones should be one's
It seems a question mark should be used at the end of this line.

With magick sword drawing blood
I believe its been explained before, but why is there sometimes a k at the end of magic/k?

I'm left a bit confused as to exactly what you're takling about here... and curious to know.
(I have a few theories, though...)

Anyway, best of luck in "My Weekly Contest~Poetry's Prism" by tammy (86)

#3. Review Of "Controlled" (nw) [Rated: 13+]

Review By: CondorWings (2)
Date and Time: 09-15-05 @ 10:51pm
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (5.0)
Review Length: 143 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Ah, nicely done, Ms Blue! It's nuances do require a bit of circle experience and I love the way you release it at the end.


#4. Review Of "Controlled" (nw) [Rated: 13+]

Review By: Tora Night Hunter (8)
Date and Time: 09-14-05 @ 8:44pm
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.5)
Review Length: 763 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Wow...The way you write would be way too hard for me. Your, I guess you could call them, riddles are quite mind grasping and surently have me puzzeled. I lve your almost Old English style though, quite diffrent. I also like how you used the 1st two coupliets and used them at the end. The way you used all caps here and there also brings out the point you are trying to make there. My favorite lines would have to be
His own time will come
To pay the reaper in full sum

For that which he has wrought
His soul sold and bought

Those were really good....although I guess the main reason why I liked them so much was because they were some of the few that didnt make me think as much. But this is a good poem.

#5. Review Of "Controlled" (nw) [Rated: 13+]

Review By: whtlgtng (1)
Date and Time: 09-12-05 @ 8:53am
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 331 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Indeed, his time will come! Very nicely done with good rhyme and meter. Your use of metaphor in the dragon...as well as the writer's name and your choice of script color is ingenious and works well. Your 12th couplet is a bit off in meter/flow as is the 4th from the bottom - the second line..."to pay the reaper"...just a bit off.

My Feedback; My Received Reviews For
#1004494 - Controlled
Chapter Three
Conflict Confronted
Poem Twelve

The Brain Warp - Psycho Ramblings Run Rampant
By DragonBlue

Like the grapefruit I eat for breakfast and lunch
My life is bittersweet with no nut crunch
Sweet only after the layers of skin
And membrane are ripped thin
From the tartness of that outer shell
The nectar must be finessed well

Whatever happened to the seedlings?

Youngest of the three fates
Oldest Goddess in mythology
Daughter to Themis and Zeus
The spinner of the thread
Weaves the thread of life
Length of her yarn determines
How long it will be
Daughter of the night
Darkness and obscurity of humanity
Power is immeasurable
Often disobeys parents
The Gods obey her
Part of the order of the universe
Which none can disturb
Like the Spirit of the Dragon

No More
Today I realized
How my eyes
Have cried
My heart’s pride

Broken and lost
What a cost
For standing up
To fill the cup

With courage and strength
To defy his weight
Dueling his iron fists
His rage I see in mists

You two were the price for a time
No matter what the signs
My spirit cries out in pain
No more a dance with rain
No More!

Spirit Roar
On wings of Magick
A blue dragon glides
Chanting a spirit roar
She dives then soars

If ye listen closely now,
Ye will hear her say…
Flowing Sands to thee I bow
Win in spirit all the way.

In the moons soft light
Sweat glistens from the fight
On her furrowed brow
No fear does show now

Full of Spirit Power is she
In honor and integrity
Hearing the call of the banshee
She moves and sways with intensity

As she flies into the night
Her chant becomes a scream
She circles back to the right
And sends a cheer to her team

If ye listen closely now,
Ye will hear her say…
Flowing Sands to thee I bow
Win in spirit all the way.

Black Velvet
Purple kitty cats
Chasing pink butterflies
On black velvet mattes
My path of due
In warrior form with you
They can take it all
When magick calls
We merge as one
Justice will be done

I watch thee battle
Onward with compassion
Element of water
Ye art a seer with vision
As universal scholar and peaceful sage
Proud to call thee my friend and mage

Birthday Card
I wanted to send to you
Bright flowers for your special day

And to let you know ‘tis true
I will always remember your birthday

I hope your day is filled with fun
That you’re able to play, jump and run

Until your heart’s content!

Love Always,

However much I try
To understand why
They need to take from me
All that creates me to be

The woman they wanted to take to wife

A poem I want to write
About the members of our site
Their styles that make me smile
Have me going that extra mile
Replying in earnest to their pens
Seeing through their colored lens
Seeking to understand their paradigm
And to have them comprehend mine

Asking Why
Goddess of Earth and of Sky
I come to thee asking why
My children are not yet with me
Why does the pain never leave?
I beg of thee
To help me
Find me a way
To reach them today
Direct them to call or write
Send a message to me this night
That ye can reach them for me
And guide their hearts as they be

Desolate Integrity
The loss in my past
Always finishing last
The clock; takes from me
Present, future – destiny

But what can I gain
From lessons of rain
Oblivious no longer
Perhaps a bit stronger

The Wheel of Chance
Spins as I dance
Into every chapter
Through the matter

The continuum of infinity
Desolate in integrity

As I gain
From the pain

Of my loss of time


#1. Review Of "Brain Warp-Psycho Ramblings Run Rampant" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Yobear (47)
Date and Time: 02-06-06 @ 10:51am
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (5.0)
Review Length: 667 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

I dunno...Doesn't sound so brain warped and psychotic to me! I could actually relate to much of this and appreciate your style very much. Bless that inborn gift---that way with words, as we humans have tagged it.

This part took my breath:
Full of Spirit Power is she
In honor and integrity
Hearing the call of the banshee
She moves and sways with intensity
(((love it)))

Black Velvet is brilliant, too!
It's all good -- nicely written. Glad I ran into this.
Thanks for sharing,


#2. Review Of "Brain Warp-Psycho Ramblings Run Rampant" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Renee (RJS) (13)
Date and Time: 01-09-06 @ 1:16pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.5)
Review Length: 400 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

I truely enjoyed reading down through this list of your wondering mind. I will have to look into your port for more insights.

These are clever - you are truely a word-smith!

I believe I like Seedlings and Black Velvet best of all! Try was one I did not fully understand. The poem "Next" was very cute.

Keep on Writing!

#3. Review Of "Brain Warp-Psycho Ramblings Run Rampant" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: meg71186 (2)
Date and Time: 01-04-06 @ 12:33pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 278 Characters
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Overall, your "ramblings" are very well written, and pack a lot of emotion within each word.

I especially like the structure and rhyme that you've implemented in some of the pieces here. Rhyme always adds to poetry.

Keep up the great writing!!!

#4. Review Of "Brain Warp-Psycho Ramblings Run Rampant" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Purplesky who w... (60)
Date and Time: 01-04-06 @ 10:41am
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.5)
Review Length: 431 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]


I really loved all of these little poem and things that are in this piece. I thought that you gave alot of description and that you really made me feel like I could see and feel everything that is going on. My only suggestion to you would be to possibly make this into a folfer and seperate each story so that readers can read and enjoy each story individually.

Take care- Purplesky

My Feedback; My Received Reviews For
#1053594 - Brain Warp-Psycho Ramblings Run Rampant
Chapter Three
Conflict Confronted
Poem Thirteen

The Calm Before the Storm

Dragon Blue
         My friend
                   My Muse

I’ve been awaiting thy call to me
Wondering when ye shall present be.
Within my minds eye to appear again
To show me if ye will; where ye have been

I surround myself with images of thee, tis true!
Large and small; all shades silver to blue
Hoping to invoke thy spirit form
To assist me in the coming storm

For I feel the rush of energy
The need great for urgency
Pull at my innermost depths
Where my own true sight is kept

The lightening ‘tis my light
And force to set things right
The thunder is my voice and sound
So all will hear me as I propound

Speaking the raindrops that are my life
My soul, my spirit interlaced in strife

The rainbow that colors the day
As natural laws insist we obey
What ‘tis unfolding in the universe
Weather it be, blessing or curse

Dragon Blue
         My friend
                   My Muse…

Will it be today?


#1. Review Of "The Calm before the Storm" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Lady Kedra - ba... (2)
Date and Time: 11-26-05 @ 8:39pm
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 492 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Dragon Blue,

This is an interesting poem. I liked this line really well: "Speaking the raindrops that are my life
My soul, my spirit interlaced in strife" The only thing that caught my eyes was this:

"tis true"
'tis true

Again interesting poem. I'm not so sure about the way you worded it, but I guess it's just a matter of oppinion on the reader. Good job! Keep writing!

With Love,
L. Kedra

My Feedback; My Received Reviews For
#1034320 - The Calm before the Storm
Chapter Three
Conflict Confronted
Poem Fourteen


We have the power to change and transform situations;
Others and ourselves for the Good of all…
                             Bringing harm to none.

The most potent change;
         From our heart we create…
                   Visualize the form to stimulate.

         The most powerful emotions…
         By intuition!


         Create from sixth of sense…
                   Positive as it is intense!

         The Alpha inner child,
                   Free and strong ~ Running wild!






Chapter Three
Conflict Confronted
Poem Fifteen


Dancing....dancing....forever we dance, death and I....

Fear her I do not...but what of life?

Am I more afraid to live than to die?

Dancing...dancing...forever we dance, life and I!


#1. Review Of "Dance" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: cheyenne (1)
Date and Time: 10-30-05 @ 8:11am
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.5)
Review Length: 38 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Enchanting. Keep up the great writing.

#2. Review Of "Dance" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Decayed Dreams (19)
Date and Time: 10-28-05 @ 11:45am
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 768 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Hi DragonBlue. I found this on the auto-rewards page, and thought I'd give it a read.

This is a rather short piece, but I think that you structured it well. I couldn't find any spelling or grammar mistakes. Good job.

I believe that when you use an ellipse, if you are going to continue the same sentence, it is three dots. If you are going to end the sentence, it is four dots.

I think this provides a really good question. This was an interesting piece of introspection, and I think that you did a good job balancing the first part, and the second.

Good job and keep writing.

#3. Review Of "Dance" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: esprit (99)
Date and Time: 10-26-05 @ 3:44pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (5.0)
Review Length: 744 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Hello, DragonBlue

This is so true for everyone. I know it is for me. Afraid to live and afraid to die, well not really afraid, but as you say so well here, dancing with both. You've captured and named the feeling well.

Philosophy, I enjoy studying it.

I enjoyed reading this and I feel the emotion of lightheartedness, acceptance, happiness. It makes me feel good. I think this would be a good verse on almost any type of greeting card. It isn't depressing as verses of death usually are. There is something about the tone that causes the words to sing to me.

As a reader, I think it's very good.

My Feedback; My Received Reviews For
#1018980 - Dance
Chapter Three
Conflict Confronted
Poem Sixteen


In space of time between awake and sleep
         …thoughts with these visions unto me did creep
                   I start to see this world in a different light
                             When the darkness will not leave and I cannot see right

Through which filter doth thou see?
         The one of the jealous He?
                   Or is it of the Trinity
                             Balancing the He and the She?

What is it that thee truly
         Wish thine own children to be
                   Like those that try to dictate what ye should dream
                             In so doing chooses sides instead of teams

Do ye wish for them righteous self contempt?
         Or proud of self at their innermost depths?
                   A shell easily broken by the soul of another
                             and battered mentally by the sin and guilt of others?

Or would ye have that they be in love with life?
         Sure of themselves; walking with positive strife
                   Without the shame
                             No one to blame

But as their own an inner sanctum
         Director of their own pendulum
                   Would that they know their own growth
                             From their mind through to their soul

A warrior from head to the base of their spine
         Or quiver to their knees fearing the malign?
                   Would ye not that they know energy as Light
                             Flowing into, through, out again day and night?

Which is the Witch that thee
Will thy children to be?

Do we
         Shall we
                   Are we
                             And leaving them the Legacy
                   Of laughter joy and the surprise?
Do we
         Shall we
                   Are we
                             Giving to them the esctasy
                   the ability to surmise?

Which is the Witch that thee
Will thy children to be?

The length of the Journey ‘tis endless without light
         A hell as the Christians speak about with such fright
                   The only Sin being unaware
                             Falling prey to the spiders lair

Too afraid to deny
         That which is but a lie
                   The atrocity that is to be
                             If not for the life force within thee

May the darkness find thee NOT
         Children of OZ
                   Let the light be what thee saught
                             Thou art the cause

Seek the Principals of Revolution
Natural Laws of Continuation

Find thy spirit and release
         thyself into thine own might
                   Teach with empathy and warmth
                             from and of thy inner sight

As Ye listen all the way
         To hear voices of thy fate
                   The portal closes again
                             These thoughts with ye shall remain

Through space and time it sends
         Perception to thee lends
                   A warning ye must try to absorb
                             The Significance ye shall not ignore

For which is the Witch are ye?
         And the Witch ye want to be?
                   And which is the witch that thee
                             Want thine own children to be?


#1. Review Of "Seeing" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: tammy (86)
Date and Time: 11-08-05 @ 2:41pm
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (3.5)
Review Length: 312 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Thanks for entering your poem in ID: 962569 (Rated: 18+)
Title: My Weekly Contest~Poetry's Prism
Description: A weekly contest thats all about poetry.
By: tammy (86) and good luck.
I get a little confused in places. Why are you switching form thee and back to normal voice?
I think you need to speak in one voice and I think you need to clarify your poem some.
Keep writing. Tammy

I don't understand what you are talking about changing between voices. I stay with the archaic language through out the pen. But thank you anyway

My Feedback; My Received Reviews For
#1029230 - Seeing

© Copyright 2006 DragonBlue (UN: dragonblue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
DragonBlue has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/427645-Chapter-Three---Conflict-Confronted