Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/427777-I-want-my-wdc
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#427777 added May 25, 2006 at 10:42pm
Restrictions: None
I want my wdc!
It really sucks being so busy I don’t have time to write. Then, when I should have had time – this past Sunday, I was so totally focused on a tech problem - I didn’t even have time to think about writing. See, I can’t log into wdc from my notebook pc. Yes. Can you imagine? Not being able to log in and post your blog entry? Or what about that awardicon winning poem you wrote whose deadline was Sunday May 21, 2006 midnight eastern time? Okay so noooo I didn’t write one. But what if I had? I’d be up that creek screaming, "Where's my paddle?!"

Needless to say I’m bummed. I’ve tried everything. First, it took like a bah-zillion times for me to come out of my denial and accept the fact that a problem did exist. Bah-zillion and one. Yep. Login troubles are here to stay. Soooooo, I re-booted, like any non-IT person would. Still I was being blocked. There were a few whispers of profanity on my part, quickly followed by soft soothing apologies. Sheesh these tech appliances nowadays. Why I remember…back in the day, when, oh, never mind

Trying to narrow the problem down, I attempted to log in from another computer - my desktop – the one in the office. Yes! I was able to see the My Account Page. New mail 18! At this point, I became distracted. How on earth was I just gonna walk away from 18 pieces of mail? And of course, I had to post in my favorite In and Out…"Fortunately/UnfortunatelyAlso, I went to the tech forum "Technical Support Forum

Back to my tech problems. The wdc IT guys (and gals) suggested I check out my cookies. I hadn’t changed my cookie setting, nor could I understand how it might have become changed, but whatever, I’m desperate now, and I’ll do what it takes. I loosened my privacy setting to allow all first party and third party cookies.

Still I was unable to log in from the notebook. UGH!!!

What about restoring my compie back to a date when I know I could access? Yeah, let’s try that. Nope. Didn’t work. Complete waste of time!

Bringing my laptop back into my home office, I opened up the Tools Drop-down menu(located on my Internet Explorer Page) and click on Internet Options on both…Hit the Advanced Tab to slowly scroll down and compare the two settings. As far as I could tell, they were the same. Nothing different. Why the hell can’t I log on from the laptop?!

Still in Internet Options, I move both screens over to the Privacy Tab and click on sites. On the notebook, I type in www.writing.com and hit Allow. Click on OK, until I get my Internet Explorer screen back. Aaaah, surely this must fix my problems…..right?

Hell freakin' No!

Now, I’m ready to scream, even the Dobermans outside can hear me ranting.

I’ve given up trying. I guess, when my tournament is over, I’ll call HP and ask them. Plus, if all else fails, I’m thinking about hitting that F10 button – purposely crashing my precious compie…see if that works!

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