Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428488-Chapter-Six---Conversations-with-Merlin
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1107367
The Time Without
#428488 added May 31, 2006 at 5:20am
Restrictions: None
Chapter Six - Conversations with Merlin
Conversations with Merlin

Author's Note:This chapter is a book within a book for I have listed each poem as a chapter. At the end of this story you will find a couple of the poems in this book individually listed and reviewed.


Chapter Six - Conversations with Merlin


Chapter One

Merlin’s Gift

As Merlin allows me to see
The magick that dwells within me

Together we watch the Blue Dragon so young
Caught in the web of the Wolfs tongue

Like a deer in headlights
Or the vampire seeking life

The Wolf brings on paralysis
With his songs of darkness

She is unable yet to fly
Wings worthless in the wind and sky

She must stay and fight
Pulling from within her; a powerful might

Wielding fire from her lungs
Poison from her fangs

Claws as the blades of steel swords
And magick rhyming words

Chanting she overcomes her stillness -
Loosing her fear
She faces her enemy as he nears

Where before; she fell in defeat
Not to be this place in time as they meet

As she finds the rhyme

He circles ready for the kill
That terror allows him the luxury to steal

And finds instead her poison fang in his eye
Fire upon his girth he gasps in surprise

As swords of steel pierce his cold heart

Her chant high and true turns him deaf
Prey to his own arrogance in the end

His dark Lord turns to run
But the dragons fire bright as the sun
Torches him as he melts in a pool of black blood

His steed she
Allows to run free

The Blue Dragon smiles as the quickening
Empowers her spirit in bolts of blue lightening

With the life force of those slain
As the night wears on her elation turns to pain
For a life - nay two lives were taken

So that she might live beyond their horrific schemes
To be catalyst for that which she can sense

Yet cannot be seen


Chapter 2

Embark Upon Thy Quest

I stand before my magick mirror
Dropping my gown to loose my fear

I seek again to converse with Merlin
As my sight goes dark and starts to turn in

We watch the Dragon of Blue
Stop along her path of due

To sample the morning breeze
For the scent to feel at ease

Though she knows
Wherever she goes

Lonely she shall be
For giving of love is what she needs

Seeking others of her kind
If only in spirit - of like mind

Those with gladness in their heart
If only upon her path they could impart

She comes upon a still lake
Senses she must cross and take

The trail that leads away from home
This much has to her been shown

There she will battle again
Only this time will refrain

From the taking of life
He will only fall to defeat with the tide

For Her foe shall become her friend
And she will nurture and learn to love him

The force of two
To the battles of Dragon Blue

She crosses the barriers of time
Chanting she balances the three of nine

As the vision slowly fades from my sight
Merlin chuckles as if in delight

Knowing I will again come to see
The strengthening Magick within me


Chapter 3

Morning Star

In my mirror for Merlin I again seek
This meeting of ours numbered three

The vision in my mind so intense
I almost lost my focus of balance

I could feel her rapid breath
As once again she feared death

Terrified - running away
So afraid

Again shamed
And betrayed

By one she loved and held dear
Hot an soulful were her tears

Trusting her needs
Planting loves seeds

She once again fell prey
To the wolf - in whose arms she lay

Her young were taken from her grasp
Her soul aching
As her memory lapsed

As MoningStar her ally and closest friend
Pulled her into another dimension

Where she lay and wept
For the love of her young was kept

Where she now could not return
Without receiving the branding burn

Of which she could not take
Until healed from the stake

That which she now felt the searing pain
Between her broken wings bloodstained

Soaking her flesh and the ground below
Go by what ye know

As she knew the way before
Her body shook with sobs as he said to her

Not by what ye need
For with thy need ye evoke this greed

Said he; Now we must seek a third
And change direction as another debt we incur

To return your young to hearth
We must walk lightly upon the earth

As your friend, this I speak to you
For ye will heal my Dragon Blue

Though thy karmic debt ‘tis now paid
Another path of strife be laid

For we must split a space in time
Along the unstable fault line

Off the path meant for thee
Of which ye sense

Yet cannot see


Chapter 4

Choices of Knowledge

Life changing choices
Are forever invading internal space

With conflicting chaotic voices
Drawing me in opposites at a quickening pace

With many forks to forge upon my path
Crossing the rapid waters

piercing its depths with my sacred staff

For I may not veer left nor right
Though this beaten trail does tempt me so

Walking within the Blue of Light
My direction innately chosen by what I know

Though my needs
At weaker times

Brings me to my knees
The lines

Are drawn cutting deep onto my soul
‘Tis but a test carving patterns above and below

Ground is covered as I seek Truth though it be cold
On a higher level I am warmed

As I travel through dimensions of storms
Blue Lightening in my vision forms

A Warrior of Justice manifesting the reaction
Balance the catalyst of actions

Journey or Destination
Is the question ringing through my head

Will I find my Grail?




This plane of journeys comes to end
Only to begin again

The Blue Dragon has learned to use her Wings


Chapter 5

A Warriors Inspiration

Inspiration these days is hard to come by
Wonder do I
If the well has run dry

Though in the mundane
Growth is in abundance

Spiritually I feel as if I stagnate

Poetic, charming words of faery
Are seen between the lines of this life I carry

My Gaea Dragon glows blue
My totem Grizzly growls at the new

Souls I long to call my friends
And give lovingly free with my heart again

As with my inner voice
His leaves me no choice

But to guard myself and be wise
Testing the truth of lies

As the sleeping Turtle awakes
Opening the Iron Gate

That is wrapped about my soul
Aye ~ should my heart not know?

How to love and give
To feel joy as it lives

Joined with others to celebrate
The power and warmth that emanates

From deep within ~ without contingent

To receipt of the same
This sparring for the name

And Goddess given right
To walk and live in love and light

Is wearing down my armor of silver
As the spring run off rushes through rivers

So do my own lonely tears
As I remain closed with my fears

Picking the lock of my chains
Running through the pouring rains

These thoughts do tempt me so
As I seek to yet follow

Anothers path but


This time I wield
The Sword as Warrior

Shall we Dance



Part II

The Battles of Dragon Blue


Chapter 6

Magick Wings

One - Two - Three
Harmony It Be

Parts of High and Low
Bass - Tenor - Alto

One - Two - Three
Are the Powers that be

Answers I do seek
To questions that I speak

One - Two - Three
The Sacred Trilogy

With Matter as Change
The Mode ‘Tis Rearranged

Arrive at the Solution
Before ye Leap

To the equation
In balance ye keep

I wish to scry
Anothers ambition

Visualize the why
At my own discretion

On the brink
Of an empathic Link

Decide to stay
Or to go

Either way
Sorrow will follow

See shall I
As my inner child cries

Do not go by what you need
Let your innate logic Lead

The Blue Dragon can
now use her wings
But she lacks grace
a mentor
a muse
Glide as she sings

She continues to seek
that which she can sense

Yet cannot be Seen


Chapter 7

And Now

Before I go to survey the fields of Battle
Where I may lose my soul if not careful

I will sharpen my sword
With my sanding stone

While chanting the Wyrd
Of spirits to be shown

All the ways
That I can go

Here above in days
In years there below

The circles that are drawn
The staff that draws the lines

Allow me through the portal to peer
My Blue Dragon ‘tis the seer

My vision very clear
As is my voice

Muscles taught with tension to hear
The shifting selection of my choice

I lift my sword to duel
Drawing justice as my fuel

And circle mine enemy
Yet unseen
In the mists surrounding me

As I merge with Dragon Blue
The mist no longer clouds my view

For in this dimension magick rules
Eliminating power from fools...


Chapter 8

Fear to Friend

This place
I have been here before
In a lifetime past, maybe more

Mine enemy knows not what ‘tis in store
For this time I shall settle the score

Drawing from within
My magick sings and opens

The power I partake
My soul at stake

With blue light
As my inner might

Truth as my plate of armor
This opponent I shall triumph
with sorrow

And in so doing
Will merge as one

Sharp is the quickening
And is most welcome

Climbing the scales
My spirit singing

With power emanating
Increasing the sting

The Wyrd of Nine by three
Changes naturally

As it manifests
Edging this test

I must thank thee Lady, once again
For mine own fear has become my friend

I am honored to be
Basking in the warmth
of thy Trilogy

And So I Will

And So I Shall

So Mote It Be


Chapter 9


...This enemy I have faced before
Upon opening another door

Though he knows it not
Our fates are wrought

Of another's thought

And intertwined with a tapestry
of Magick and many a destiny

Lifetimes glimpsed in dreams
Lay afore and aft as will be seen

But not as he shall deem
the outcome to be...

I have loved and hated him
stirring the turmoil from within

I realize that is how he has defeated me
by giving me my needs

Then crushing that which is exposed
with the script he has composed

To soften me to mourn
the calm before the storm

I slowly rise above his presence now
As Gaea’s Dragon Blue allows

Me to loose the weight
of mine own hate

And chant a higher song
each note four counts long

In groups of three
For I will continue to seek

That which I sense
yet cannot be seen

The Blue Dragon has awakened the
Magick that dwells within me...


Chapter 10

As I...

...Enter the portal as she
the dragon's blue eyes as me
Another mist to unveil
as I hear the banshee wail
Morning star
my closest ally and only friend
reaches for me again
For our vision of a third that has been
Upon her own journey of strife
also is she woven into our life
As the crossroads become clear
we shall have and feel no fear
Instinct tells us how
we will combine our forces now
To retrieve that which has been taken
with a faith that shall not be shaken
By those whom we rise above
with blue light as our aura of love
We as one become the Essence
Of a warriors great stealth

Our Truth
Our Honor
Our Wealth

Forward we commence
that which we seek and sense
Yet cannot be seen
For we now

Manifest the Power of Three


Part III

Reflections of Paradigms


Chapter 11

Bed of Thorns

The Cliché’s drum upon my skull
Pounding pulse of rapid heart beat

Choices of today
Limit Opportunities of Tomorrow
As once again I fall to defeat

Though another directs the puppet strings
‘‘Twas I who decided to wear the Rings

Thy Bed
Thee have made
Now Ye Lie upon It

And of Thorns it be

Ripping to shreds thy Spirit
as Cold Tear Drops fall free

Tis the price ye pay for thy needs
the walls close in upon thy seeds

Attempting to strangle all new growth
Blocking the green of leaf
From light and dark


Stretch as far as ye can reach
And when ye feel ye can NO more

Bend a little then go for breach
to take that last inch for thy Door

Once ye have grasped thy Portal
at its very edge
forget that thou art Mortal

Pull with empathic
humane strength

from deep within
thine own entire length

Ignore thy Bruises
Wounds and searing Pain
they will only keep thee to remain

Prisoner to their ruthless hold
Physical needs will grow thee old

Ye know that thy Spirit
Is of Light and Energy

Capable of the Shift

the Change

to this Blight
this Lethargy

Into thy ally or Weapon of Deceit
to conquer thy next enemy of Conceit

Choose as thee know of
And for thine own Right

Chanting High Thy Wyrd
Deep into the Night

For upon this Path ye must follow
As ye sense & seek

Yet appears to be hollow
And cannot be seen

As the Power of Blue
Will Reveal unto You

This Dimension of Thy Maiden of Nine
A glimpse of Her Laws

Fragile Fine

With what ye know to define
Clearly drawn is the narrow line

Cross it
Leave Behind
What ye think thee need

For Earthbound
Choke ye will
on the weed

As it devours and consumes thy Soul
That which ye have done to sew

For ye do and always will come to reap
Thy earned rewards ‘tis what ye keep

Upon this Path of
Freedom and Integrity

Dues to pay for Success
Life and Liberty

All Life Forces
Large and Small

From Astronomical to Microscopic
In the Nine of Three One and All

Survive by Instinct
Innate Logic

Ye See
Ye Do
Ye Receive

All ye do In Folds of Three

As Ye Have
As Ye Shall
As Ye Do

Bring Harm to None
Would it be unto You

Then Ye Shall
Walk the Walk
Talk the Talk

And Live
To Give

Unconditional Love as only ‘tis it True
For the Warmth that dwells

Within the Light of Blue...


Chapter 12

Rites of Passage

In retrospect
as one reflects

A journey began
amidst shifting sand

Turmoil and utter chaos
Desperate to balance at any cost

Seeking inner peace
solid foundation

Unlearning my biased upbringing
to shed the guilt
spirit free and singing

No longer martyr to their
nightmares called dreams

or part of their madness
to justify their means

A spirit of Light and Energy
Peace within
Peace without

Following mine own destiny
by harnessing the power internally

this path has not been one of ease
Brutal honesty will bring ye to thy knees

Chanting to the summer breeze
welcoming the chilling freeze

For when ye seek the truth of a higher plane
No longer can ye call
thyself by anothers given name

Ye learn that Mother Earth is to embrace
Surrender thy heart and interlace

Thine own reality and inner rhyme
Persevere until Blue Light ye find

As I am Gaea’s Dragon Blue
I have also paid my Due

By loving unconditionally
My weakness revealed to my enemy

Surviving this season
As I of the Sea

Learn through the smoking Pipe of Peace
Arrow of Logic thoughts to release

The riddles to overcome at last
Polarities in balance with the past

Excalibur ‘tis Symbol of my Strength
My Passion
my Desire
my Courage at length

Yet to be consumed
if I cannot withstand
The Fire of mine own demands

No longer a wash of emotional needs
For my Grail has shown unto me

How to calm Waters
of Flood and Drought
to toss aside all self doubt

Walking the Precipice of Time
Living the Laws of the Wyrd
I climb

Within the Three of Nine
My Soul shall consciously align

With the Universal Web of Light
Seeing beyond that of which fits tight

As ‘twas meant to be
For I am a spirit of light and energy


Chapter 13

Starry Flight

As the Blue Dragon soared in Flight
On a dark and starry night

Sniffing the air
On end ‘twas every hair

Fear she smelled and sensed
As forward she commenced

Into the ancient castle by the sea
Wondered if there the source would be

As the bridge dropped down into a walkway
Over the moat and in the wind began to sway

It greeted and welcomed her
With a mysterious allure

As she entered the forlorn halls
Shivering from the shadows calls

Her Eyes locked with anothers upon contact
Muscles tensed, she growled and reared back

In her warriors stance
Choosing to lead this dance

Of life and death - if ‘tis what it be
And that which she sensed was her enemy

As the figure in the gloom became clear
Kindness and compassion overcame her fear

With a minute lift of her hand
She touched the nose of the Blue Dragon

And gave such a caress
In this forbidden fortress

Breaking this Blue Dragons heart
As tears in mine eyes began to start

This fearful creature I had found
Had moved forward without a sound

And wrapped her arms about
The Dragons neck still crying aloud

Despair and death had fallen
Upon the castle keep came crawlin-

Taking servant and noble alike
Leaving only her to fend and fight

To protect the treasures within
From those who pillaged to begin

Their own nightmare of reason
Ignoring the season

Of the ghosts and Goddess who dwelled
Within cold walls as she had been jailed

Until a dragon of the fairest blue
One that chanted and sang as she flew

Would come upon and partake
Of her tears and not forsake

Her to walk along this path
For all who harm shall feel the wrath

Of the elements of four
Earth, Air, Fire and Water

As the Blue Dragon
and the girl whose name
Unknown was to remain

Approached the crossroads of time
Singing and Chanting the Wyrd in Rhyme

Knowing together they would yet find
That which they sensed in heart and mind

As they continue to seek
That which has yet to be seen



As tears of despair fall from my eyes...
I wish to comfort thee this night

For though the darkness is long
This Blue Dragon will sing a song

To heal thee soul and release thy pain
No more to be bloodstained

For in the light of blue
Mine own spirit bleeds for you...



#1. Review Of "Conversations With Merlin" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Princess Megan... (99)
Date and Time: 09-18-05 @ 11:42pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (5.0)
Review Length: 225 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Sounds like you love fantasy. I have wrote 2 journals of Guinevere and 2 fantasy newsletters. I really enjoyed reading this. I love dragons, too. I love all the rhyme scheme on this. Nice job here. Always: Megan ~~Image #883809 Sharing Restricted~~

#2. Review Of "Conversations With Merlin" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: obwan (22)
Date and Time: 09-12-05 @ 12:58pm
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 1,062 Characters
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This is a good start - I am really biased to this particular form and you've done a good job with building the framework for an epic ballad here.

The main problem I have with it is the lack of structure to the verses - you jump back and forth between forms and it's very distracting. You also start to follow certain rhyme schemes, then abruptly drop them and change to a different structure. Some of the rhymes too are imperfect rhymes, which don't seem to work well here as you started with perfect rhymes (example: paralysis and darkness do not rhyme)

A suggestion here to help you keep the meter together better - try to come up with a bit of a song to which you can write this - force you writing to fit between the bars of the music and you shuld find that the flow comes naturally.

I have to rate this very high in concept and basic execution, but I think that you really need to give it a good mechanical once-overand see if you can't make it flow better.

Thanks for the read! Write On!

#3. Review Of "Conversations With Merlin" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: PamelaPS (1)
Date and Time: 08-25-05 @ 10:47am
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.5)
Review Length: 105 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

This is very original. I like the colors and the descriptions. The wording is unique and fits the mood.

My Feedback; My Received Reviews For
#1004493 - Conversations With Merlin

Chapter Six - Conversations with Merlin

Morning Star

In my mirror for Merlin I again seek
This meeting of ours numbered three

The vision in my mind so intense
I almost lost my focus of balance

I could feel her rapid breath
As once again she feared death

Terrified - running away
So afraid

Again shamed
And betrayed

By one she loved and held dear
Hot an soulful were her tears

Trusting her needs
Planting loves seeds

She once again fell prey
To the wolf - in whose arms she lay

Her young were taken from her grasp
Her soul aching
As her memory lapsed

As MoningStar her ally and closest friend
Pulled her into another dimension

Where she lay and wept
For the love of her young was kept

Where she now could not return
Without receiving the branding burn

Of which she could not take
Until healed from the stake

That which she now felt the searing pain
Between her broken wings bloodstained

Soaking her flesh and the ground below
Go by what ye know

As she knew the way before
Her body shook with sobs as he said to her

Not by what ye need
For with thy need ye evoke this greed

Said he; Now we must seek a third
And change direction as another debt we incur

To return your young to hearth
We must walk lightly upon the earth

As your friend, this I speak to you
For ye will heal my Dragon Blue

Though thy karmic debt ‘tis now paid
Another path of strife be laid

For we must split a space in time
Along the unstable fault line

Off the path meant for thee
Of which ye sense

Yet cannot see...



#1. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Rosalba (2)
Date and Time: 01-16-06 @ 8:00am
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (3.0)
Review Length: 1,136 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

I found this poem to be very confusing. It seemed to tell quite a tragic story, however, I'm not certain about this as I can not say with any certainty what the poem was about. Your repeated use of unusual syntax and what I call 'saga-ish writing' made it very difficult for me to grasp what you were actually trying to say (examples of this are the lines "This meeting of ours numbered three", "my focus of balance", "the love of her young was kept/ Where she now could not return"). Lines such as "Go by what ye know /As she knew the way before" I find completely baffling, no matter how simply they are written, as I have no idea what you are referring to here.
I'm sorry to be so negative in this review, but this is an honest expression of how I felt as I read your poem. I'm sure that many other members will read and enjoy it, but I can not.
As I can't understand your poem, the only concrete suggestion I can make for improvement is to correct the spelling mistake in "Hot an soulful were her tears". I assume that this is meant to be "Hot and soulful"?
I'm sorry I can not be of more help to you.

#2. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Lou-My Words For You (27)
Date and Time: 01-15-06 @ 2:49pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.5)
Review Length: 349 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

A very well written poem.

I really like the mated lines of this piece.

The centering, and ending with a final, single strong thought drives the points home.

Short dynamic bullets really make this a powerful and easy reading piece.

No suggestions for improvement!

#3. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Mary Ann Chidlow (1)
Date and Time: 01-14-06 @ 9:25pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 431 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

If I keep reading these maybe I will understand them.

I have read it three times. I am impressed by the writing. It flows very smoothly.

I just wish I understood it. That has nothing to do with your writing. I am just not used to reading this type of writing. I think I have it figured out and then it seems to take another turn and I am lost again. I will keep trying. It is interesting.

#4. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Heide has a bro... (9)
Date and Time: 01-14-06 @ 3:30pm
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (3.5)
Review Length: 516 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

I liked:
the form, the language, the flow

What I didn't like:
A few places felt like her just weren't enough syllables in the line, but other than that, I liked it all!

'Hot an soulful were her tears' - I think you meant 'hot AND soulful...' ?

Very pretty with a hint of whimsical fantasy, keep up the good work.

#5. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: M Duci~In Friul... (30)
Date and Time: 01-13-06 @ 9:23pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (5.0)
Review Length: 577 Characters
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Morning Star, is one of the best I've read in this Genre. Many times! I've passed it by but this time I thought I must read this work. It has caught my eye and I like it so much that I'm sure I will read the rest of your work as well. I found myself weeping for the loss of her young and the betrayal that had become her. I almost felt that he was talking to all womankind, and he was telling her that this was her Karma. I hope I have the meaning clear. Great work, and continue. Bravo, a perfect 5.
M Duci
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" My Winter Angel Review Sig by Kathleen"

#6. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: AliceNgoreland (27)
Date and Time: 01-13-06 @ 5:39pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 320 Characters
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"In my mirror for Merlin I again seek" Although this is a fine line I found it to be a little confusing. I thought that you were going to go looking for Merlin.

Most of this fine and you should be proud of it.

I am not sure if she is reunited with her children.


#7. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Dave (18)
Date and Time: 01-13-06 @ 5:08pm
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 572 Characters
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This is a lovely poem that takes us into another world of mystical dimensions. The rhyme scheme enhances the mystical quality, and the varying line length and word selection provide a lyrical rhythm that makes it very pleasant reading. I believe some punctuation would aid in attaining the proper flow on first reading, as I had to read it through a couple of times to get into the rhythm.

A couple of copy editing items:

1. Hot an(d) soulful were her tears.

2. Planting love(')s seeds.

Good job!

#8. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: meg71186 (2)
Date and Time: 01-13-06 @ 2:46pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (3.5)
Review Length: 375 Characters
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Once again, I love the way a touch of old english is used in this piece to help convey the meaning and intensify the overall mood.

However, I did feel that this poem was a bit hard to follow. Though descriptive, this poem doesn't really give the reader a thorough feel for the action that is no doubt occuring.

Overall, though, well written.

#9. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Anestel is busy (8)
Date and Time: 01-13-06 @ 2:45pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.5)
Review Length: 395 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

I really like this poem. In a way I can relate to it. I always like that in poetry.

I think you did really good. I like your style of poetry. It's really neat to read. I hope to see more from you and all.

I'm sure the more that you write the better you will be. THere's always room for improvement. I apologize for not being able to give you suggestions though.

#10. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Khalish (60)
Date and Time: 01-13-06 @ 1:26pm
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 643 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

This is obviously a poem with deep meaning, rather mystic, which needs rather specially gifted mental faculties, which I lack. Yet, I can clearly see its high poetic calibre. One does not have to be a great cook to appreciate a great dish [though, that helps].


By one she loved and held dear
Hot an soulful were her tears

Trusting her needs
Planting loves seeds


By one she loved and held dear
Hot and soulful were her tears

Trusting her needs
Planting love's seeds

M C Gupta

#11. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: Mandik~onto the... (37)
Date and Time: 01-13-06 @ 8:06am
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 495 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Such a sad story.

It sounds like this poor woman just can't find the way to love, but finds the illusion instead.

I liked how you enhanced the poem by making it blue. It adds to the sadness.

A few possible typos-

Hot an soulful were her tears

Planting lovesseeds
love's- implys ownership

Keep writing

#12. Review Of "Morning Star" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: bakerdunn (2)
Date and Time: 01-12-06 @ 11:22am
Public/Private: Public
Reviewer's Rating: (4.5)
Review Length: 475 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

It is a beautiful poem, but I guess I am a little confused. Please let me know what you were considering this poem. I see images of someone standing in front of a mirror observing the plight of a woman. Is she a fallen angel? I almost sense that she is Lucifer's lover as the Morning Star is mentioned and she pays for her loyalty to him. I just reread it and think may be it is a story of pure fantasy. Please respond back. I really enjoyed reading it more than once!

My Feedback; My Received Reviews For
#1016104 - Morning Star

Chapter Six - Conversations with Merlin

Embark Upon Thy Quest

I stand before my magick mirror
Dropping my gown to loose my fear

I seek again to converse with Merlin
As my sight goes dark; starts to turn in

We watch the Dragon of Blue
Stop along her path of due

To sample the morning breeze
For the scent to feel at ease

Though she knows
Wherever she goes

Lonely she shall always wander and be
For giving of love is what she needs

Seeking others of her kind
If only in spirit - of like mind

Those with gladness in their heart
If only upon her path they could impart

She comes upon a still lake
Senses she must cross and take

The trail that leads away from home
This much has, to her been shown

There she will battle again
Only this time will refrain

From the taking of life
His defeat will be a price

For her foe shall become her friend
And she will nurture and learn to love him

Onward they travel; the forces of two
Oward to the battles of Dragon Blue

She crosses the barriers of time
Chanting she balances the three of nine

As the vision slowly fades from my sight
Merlin chuckles as if in delight

Knowing I will again come to see
The strengthening Magick within me

Authors Notes:

This is Poem #2 of an epic story that starts with Poem #1 Merlin's Gift
 Merlin's Gift v-1  (13+)
The Blue Dragon smiles as the quickening
#1053096 by DragonBlue
. The story continues on from this one with Poem #3 Morning Star and onward still to other chapters.. I have finished part one of the story, but the second half (dragonblue recovers her little ones from one who is ruled by the dark lord) has yet to be written on paper, though it is all floating around in my head...somewhere...HA!


#1. Review Of "Embark Upon Thy Quest" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: fasara (6)
Date and Time: 01-19-06 @ 3:04pm
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (5.0)
Review Length: 311 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

That was awesome! Great word choice, very descriptive, draws you in. It has a certain elegance to it, that makes it uniquely beautiful. I really like it, I'll have to read more of your work. Keep it up, you're doing great. You should write a novel, I'd bet you'd get published easy!

-Good Luck

#2. Review Of "Embark Upon Thy Quest" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: ~*spring rose*~ (6)
Date and Time: 01-19-06 @ 10:19am
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 627 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

This was a really nice peice,
I would like to suggest more punctuation.
Maybe some periods to help break it up, especially at the end, it seems a lot like a run on sentence and makes it a bit unapealling to read just for the impression that it has no end or beginning,and while it looks nice I dont think its correct to capitalize each sentence without the period in the one before,theres just not breakage for the reader, and its kind of monotenous thought the poems content is spactacular, it has great imagery and shows much creativity. Good job hope this helped some,
and please...
write on!

#3. Review Of "Embark Upon Thy Quest" (nw) [Rated: E]

Review By: blue jellybaby (32)
Date and Time: 01-19-06 @ 8:27am
Public/Private: Private
Reviewer's Rating: (4.0)
Review Length: 438 Characters
Review Follows: [Delete Review]

Well done on a sequel to the first piece! To me I found this one slightly easier to read, maybe because of the shorter stanzas. I like the way you have changed the syntax, particularly with the words 'Blue Dragon' in order to keep the poem flowing smoothly and making sure it rhymes. The only thing that confused me slightly was 'three of nine' but maybe it was part of the spell she was chanting. Well done again,


My Feedback; My Received Reviews For
#1016103 - Embark Upon Thy Quest
© Copyright 2006 DragonBlue (UN: dragonblue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
DragonBlue has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428488-Chapter-Six---Conversations-with-Merlin