Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428844-
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1111428
Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane.
#428844 added May 27, 2006 at 3:41pm
Restrictions: None
H U R R I C A N E G R E G O R Y– Part 6
“I knew that I had to hold back my strength and let him bully me. Since you didn’t know back then about my super powers, and you stood up for me. I remember so clearly how you pulled on his shirt. Keith let go of my neck. Then he turned on you. I remember you kept shouting at him, telling him to leave me alone! Keith was about to go after you, when the coach walked in from the locker room, and put a stop to it. Keith got detention, and he didn’t bother us for awhile. I really appreciated you standing up for me. And that’s when I decided that I wanted to tell you my secret.”

“After class was over, I met you in the hallway and I told you to follow me to the gym. After a few minutes, when I was sure that all of the other kids had left the building, I took you inside of the gym. As soon as we got there, I shut the door and made sure that nobody else could see us. Then I walked up to you and told you again how much I appreciated you sticking up for me, but that I could defend myself really well. I remember you looked kinda skeptical. You asked me what I had going for me, since was so short; you wondered if I knew Karate or Jujitsu. That’s when I told you about my super powers! You laughed, of course... You didn’t believe one word of it! Neither would I, in your shoes. Then, I lifted off the floor and flew in a circle above your head and then touched down back in front of you. Your mouth was wide open and you were all bug-eyed, Greggy!” Jamie laughed, “If only I would’ve had a camera! The expression on your face was… priceless! I told you about being from Zyrton and having these strange powers, just like Superman, and that it was a secret of mine. You promised to keep my secret.”

* * *

“Dude, we were friends from day one” Greg replied to Jamie. “And I didn’t know anything about your powers. You didn’t even have your Superboy costume yet!”

“Well, one thing I really appreciate about you, Greggy…”

“What’s that?” Greg wondered.

“Besides my parents and Wes, you’re one of the few people, who know me the way I really am! I can be myself when I’m with you! I don’t have to put up an act or try to hide anything when I’m just with you! I really appreciate that about you…”

Greg nodded gravely. “I like hanging out with you. In fact, I was going to ask my parents if you could come along with us, when we travel down to Florida next week! That is, I’ll ask if you’re game. Do you think you might like to come along with us?”

“Florida? What are you going to do there?” Jamie asked him.

“My family is going to Gulf Breeze to visit my grandma. There are awesome beaches there, and my grandma runs a small convenience store on the beach. We’ll get to swim and hang out at the beach. Not only that, but they have the best seafood there! Would you like to come along with us?”

“Sure! But, I gotta ask my parents first…” Jamie responded in a serious tone of voice.

“Oh, I don’t think it should be a problem. We still got about two weeks left before the new school year starts! You should ask your parents as soon as we get back to metropolis, tomorrow afternoon!”

“Okay!” Jamie cheered. “I’ll ask them! I think it would be cool, for me to hang out with you and your family in Florida!

“Cool… Well, I’m really looking forward…” Greg began to say, when he stopped at the first sound of what appeared to be footsteps of someone, who was approaching their tent.

“Someone’s coming!” Greg exclaimed.

The two boys noticed the light which came shining from the end of the flashlight, which the adult was shining in their direction.

“Oh, don’t worry! It’s Mister Staples!” Jamie pointed out.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course! I saw him coming with my x-ray vision!” Jamie responded.

The two boys suddenly looked up; when they realized that their camp counselor was standing before them, shining a flashlight in their faces.

“Are you boys alright?” Mr. Staples asked them.

“Yes, sir! We were just talking while we were sitting here, around our fire, and eating marshmallows.” Greg explained to him. “Would you like to try some?”

“No, thanks. I just wanted to check up on you guys and to see that everything was okay. It’s getting late, so I just wanted to ask you kids not to stay up too late, okay?” the counselor responded.

“No, Mr. Staples. We’ll be going to bed in a few minutes!” Jamie replied respectfully.

“Great. Oh, before I go… Do you boys need any extra insect repellant? There are a lot of bugs out here. And considering the fact that you two are so close to the lake, I just wanted to make sure that you guys weren’t being eaten alive by all the mosquitoes!”

“No, sir. I’m fine.”

“I may want some repellant, Mr. Staples…” Gregory said to the counselor.

Mr. Staples handed Gregory the tube, containing the lotion which he spread out all over his arms and his legs.

“Are you sure you don’t want any, Jamie?” Mr. Staples wondered.

Jamie knew that he wouldn’t feel any mosquito bites. His skin was much too hard for the mosquitoes to bite, anyway. But, he didn’t want to give away his secret identity, so he decided to just play along and accept some of the lotion, even though he really didn’t have a need for it.

“Oh, I might as well rub some of this stuff over my arms and legs, I guess…” he chuckled, as he accepted the tube from Gregory.

“Okay. Well, I want you two to get some sleep very soon, alright?” Mr. Staples instructed them.

“Yes, sir! We’ll be going to sleep right away!” Jamie responded.

“Okay! As soon as you get up, come back to the cabin so you can shower before you got on the bus to go back home!”

“Yes, sir!” Greg replied.

Mr. Staples turned and left.

“Well, let’s put out the fire so we can go to bed…” Jamie said, as he stood up.

With one mighty puff, Jamie blew out the fire...

The boys crawled back into their tent, where they slipped into their sleeping bags before Gregory turned off the flashlight.

Gregory dozed off right away, falling into a deep sleep. Jamie smiled at his regular, rhythmic breathing. Jamie lay awake, staring up at the stars through the tent with his x-ray vision. He wasn’t tired at all. He spent all night looking up at the stars with his marvelous telescopic vision.

To be continued

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