Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428847-
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1111428
Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane.
#428847 added May 27, 2006 at 3:42pm
Restrictions: None
H U R R I C A N E G R E G O R Y– Part 8
Meanwhile, Jamie was flying over Metropolis towards the comic book store, situated in a small strip center, just a few blocks away from home. He made it there less than a minute. He hadn’t needed the full minute to make that short flight. He had taken his time.

The caped hero touched down on the parking lot of the store, with his long, red cape billowing behind him. Jamie slowly walked towards the entrance, knowing that people were staring at him. He just loved being Superboy, and he saw these little outings and errands as opportunities to be a kid and to meet some other kids, as Superboy. He was very popular at school, as Jamie Wilson, but he also enjoyed meeting other kids as Superboy. In fact, he had set a goal of meeting new kids as Superboy every single day!

As soon as he entered the store, he wandered over to the comic book shelf. There were several large shelves positioned along the walls and in the center of the store. He casually wandered to a one of the shelves at the center of the sales floor. He scanned the rack for the comic books on Wesley’s list. He found two of them near the bottom of the rack, so he was able to retrieve them quickly.

One boy noted the caped super hero wandering around the store. At first, he doubted that this kid was the real Superboy but he was still very curious. He decided to quietly follow the caped boy from a distance. Jamie had seen that the boy was following him but, he didn’t let on at first…

Superboy circled the large central display as he continued to scan the titles, until he found the third comic book that his older brother had requested. The comic was sitting on the topmost shelf.

The Boy of Steel was too short to reach his selection, even standing on tip toe. So he simply levitated, lifting off the floor and floating upward until the comic he wanted was at his eye level.

The boy, who had been following him gasped, ogle eyed!

“It’s him! That’s really him!” the boy cheered. “He’s the real Superboy! He’s flying!”

Superboy was enjoying the attention, but he played it cool! He eased himself back down to the floor and then flashed around to the other side of the large central bookcase outside little boy’s view.

“Darn it! Lost him! Where did he go? I can’t see him from here…” the boy mumbled to himself.

The little boy hadn’t realized that Superboy had flashed to the other side of the bookshelf at super speed.

The boy continued to peer along the side of the bookcase, hoping to catch another glimpse of Superboy. When he didn’t see him anymore, he began to lose hope. He was about to give up and walk away, when he felt someone tapping his right shoulder from behind.

The boy straightened out and turned around, only to gasp out loud when he saw the caped super hero standing right in front of him!

“Are you looking for me?” Superboy said with a wide grin on his face.

“Hi… Uhh… yeah…” the boy stuttered in disbelief.

“Don’t be afraid. I don’t bite!” Superboy grinned. “By the way, my name is Superboy. What’s yours?”

“Madison” the boy responded. “I’m Madison…”

Madison was maybe ten years old. He had short, black hair and brown eyes. He was skinny and short. He just wore tennis shoes, shorts, and a basketball jersey. He also wore a baseball cap reversed on head. Madison was about three inches shorter than Jamie.

“Pleased to meet you, Madison!” Superboy said cheerfully.

Madison just stared at him, with his mouth open wide. He was amazed, to see the young hero standing before him. Madison examined the hero from head to toe, gasping at the amazing figure of the young super hero and his colorful red-and-blue costume.

“Wow… You’re for REAL…” Madison said, as he traced his finger over the “S” shield, on Superboy’s chest.

“Gosh, I really do hope so! Otherwise, I’d be some sort of a ghost…” Superboy laughed.

“What… What do you like to do for fun?” Madison asked him shyly.

“I like to read, fly outside, hang out with friends, and play video games!” Superboy replied. He glanced over and saw a demo TV set with a video game console hooked up to it. “Would you like to play a game with me?”

“S… Sure… I’d love to…” Madison replied in disbelief. He couldn’t believe it! He was invited to play a video game with Superboy!

The two boys walked over to the console, each taking one of the controllers which were connected to the console.

“I know this game. I play it at home! Do you know how to play this?” Superboy asked Madison.

“No… I’ve never played it before…” Madison responded a little uncertainly.

“Don’t worry! I can teach you how to play. I’ll also show you a few tricks I have picked up…” Superboy instructed. They started to play.

“Just press this button on the controller to make your guy move forward. Now, here’s a cool trick: Clicking this button twice will make him jump!” Superboy instructed the boy. “That is a neat little trick that very few kids know about…”

“Gee… Thanks!” Madison replied. He felt honored, to have the chance to play a video game with the famous teen super hero.

Superboy beat Madison easily, and thanked him for playing the game with him, once they were finished.

“Well, I got to go. Do you live close to here?” Superboy asked him.

“I live with my foster parents” Madison explained sadly. “My parents are divorced. My mom is always working at a restaurant and my dad is on duty in the Air Force. I’m always alone and I don’t have any friends. I’m waiting to receive a mentor…”

“A mentor?” Superboy wondered.

“Yes. I’m waiting to be assigned a mentor in the Mentor’s Club. The thing is, there are hundreds of other kids on the waiting list to receive mentors, and I have to wait until it’s my turn to get one. Unless, someone specifically requests to become my mentor, if they mention my name when they sign up…”

“Oh, really?” Superboy pondered. “I might know somebody who could become your mentor. What is your full name?”

“My full name is Madison Johnson.”

“Alright… I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime, how about I fly you home?” Superboy offered the boy.


Madison and Superboy stood in line at the cash register near the entrance to the store. After a few moments, Superboy paid for the three comic books he’d bought for Wesley. As soon as they walked out of the store, Superboy took Madison’s hand, and the two boys lifted off, slowly flying toward Madison’s house.

To be continued

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