Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428852-
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1111428
Jamie, the new Superboy, helps residents of a community that is stricken by a hurricane.
#428852 added May 27, 2006 at 3:46pm
Restrictions: None
H U R R I C A N E G R E G O R Y Part 13
Jamie and Greg just played in the water for the rest of the afternoon. They repeatedly jumped off the long, wooden pier, and they swam around the shallow water.

At one point, Jamie took a deep breath and went underwater. Greg stayed at the surface, but he became concerned when Jamie didn’t come back to the surface after almost a whole minute. Greg looked around and he started calling out his name, until Jamie's head surfaced several yards away.

“Dude! Where were you? You scared me!” Greg complained to him.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Jamie asked him. Jamie swam closer to Greg, and stopped when he was right in front of him.

“You went underwater and I didn’t see you for awhile! What were you doing down there?”

“I was flying! What’s wrong with that?” Jamie explained to him.

“Flying? You fly in the water?”

“Sure! Just because I can fly through the air doesn’t mean that I can’t fly through water!” Jamie chuckled.

Greg just rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t you just swim, like everybody else?” he laughed.

“It’s faster to fly than to swim, Greggy! Some day, you’ll have powers of your own, and then you’ll understand and you’ll do the exact same thing!” Jamie noted with a smile.

“Oooh boy…” Greg pondered. “I understand, Superboy!”

Jamie stared at him perturbed.

“Hey! I’m not going to be Superboy all this week! I’m on vacation! I’m just going to swim, eat, sleep, and relax…”

“You’re not gonna be Superboy? You just WERE. You just said you were ‘flying,’ not ‘swimming’ underwater.” Greg said sarcastically. “Only Superboy can do that! Remember?”

“Oh, come on… I’ll race you to the other end of the beach!” Jamie cheered, as he pointed to the end of the beach.

Both boys swam the whole length of the beach, until it began to get dark. Then they left the water and strolled back to the hotel to meet Greg’s parents and sister. They changed into dry shorts and t-shirts.

Afterwards, the boys decided to go for a stroll on the beach. Herb had asked Greg to watch Carrie, while they went to visit someone. Greg, Jamie and Carrie were just walking along the beach, collecting sea shells and throwing rocks into the crashing waves.

At one point, both Jamie and Greg decided to lie down in the sand. They just stared at the stars in the sky, while Carrie tried to build a small sand castle. Jamie had turned around and he was laying flat on his stomach.

A gentle breeze kicked up. Carrie’s hat blow off and landed in the surf.

“Oh no,” she exclaimed. “Well there goes my hat. If I had my swim suit on I’d go after it but I don’t want to get wet in these clothes.

Greg answered, “It’s OK, Carrie. I’ll wade in and get it.”

“No, Greggy! You’ll just get yourself all wet and you might get a cold. It’s not worth that. Just let it go.” Carrie replied.

“I’ll get it…” Jamie suggested much to Greg’s relief.

Carrie cheerfully walked over to Jamie and then sat on his back.

“Get up, horsy!” she said playfully. She had hoped for Jamie to stand up and to give her a ride on his shoulders. She got more than she bargained for, when Jamie suddenly and slowly began to levitate above the sand.

“Hey! What… What are you doing? We’re flying!” she gasped, when she noticed her feet dangling in mid air, while Jamie was still floating flat on his stomach. “How… How did you do that?”

“Like you figured out in the car, Carrie.” Jamie replied. “I’m Superboy!”

“So, ‘Superboy,’ can… can you fetch my hat?” she asked him cautiously.

“Yep! Just grab hold of my shoulders, Carrie! You and I going for little a little ride!” Jamie warned her, as he slowly lifted off the beach, heading out over the water towards the straw hat. Jamie hovered directly above the hat, retrieving it and handed it to Carrie who set it back on her head.

“Thank you, Super-Jamie!” she cheered.

Jamie slowly flew back to shore, allowing his body to land in the sand, right next to the spot was Greg was sitting. He was patiently waiting for Jamie to return with his little sister, who was happily sitting on his back. When Jamie landed, Carrie got up and stood right in front of him.

“The real Superboy is really strong!” she pondered. “So, if you really are Superboy, then you must have big muscles!”

Jamie stood up and faced the little girl. He reached down with both hands, and pulled the bottom of his t-shirt up and over his head, revealing his well muscled body.

Carrie just gasped when she saw his upper body, which resembled more the torso of a gymnast or a young bodybuilder than that of a twelve year-old kid!

“Wow! How did your muscles get so big?” the little girl wondered, while she stared at the incredibly muscular boy in complete awe.

“My powers make me really heavy and muscular” he grinned. “That’s why I’m strong enough to lift really heavy things!”

“So… Am I supposed to call you ‘Superboy’ or ‘Jamie’?” she asked the super kid.

“You only call me ‘Superboy’ when you see me wearing a blue suit and my cape, okay?” he asked her. “And, don’t tell anybody else! It’s a secret!”

Carrie just returned a huge grin on her face, as she ran towards Jamie and leaped in his arms.

“I’m gonna call you ‘Super-Jamie’ from now on!” she cheered, as Jamie held her in his arms.

“And I’m gonna call you my little sister Carrie from now on!” he replied happily.

The three kids strolled along the shore until Amy called them to come back to the room so that they could get ready to go to bed.

Since the Henriquez family was now traveling with three kids, Herb and Amy decided to rent two small rooms at the motel where they were staying at, so that the kids would have their own room. Carrie decided to sleep with her parents for awhile, while Jamie and Gregory shared another room with two beds.

The boys stayed awake watching a movie on television. When Gregory eventually dozed off, Jamie turned off the TV and the lights so his friend’s sleep would not be disturbed. Jamie didn’t need any sleep at all. He just lay awake in bed, thinking about the events of the day.

Suddenly, he began to pick up on faint voices, which were coming from the room right next door to the one where Jamie and Greg were sleeping in. He picked up on words like “storm” and “winds” and “heavy rain”. This stoked his curiosity. He focused his super hearing on the room next door. He realized that the couple in the next room next door was watching the late-night news on TV.

He focused his supervision through the wall onto the TV screen next door. A weatherman was speaking. Behind him, on screen was a map of Florida and the Eastern Gulf of Mexico.

“Tropical storm number seven has formed off the Island chain of the Bahamas and is slowly moving in the west-north-west direction at 11 miles per hour.” The announcer said. “The storm has maximum sustained winds up to sixty miles per hour, making it very close to a category one hurricane.”

To be continued

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