Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/428975-A-Link-to-Using-THE-Words
Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing · #998498
What I'm thinking about today. . .
#428975 added May 28, 2006 at 1:17am
Restrictions: None
A Link to Using THE Words
Follow this link to find out which words you need to use in your writing to increase your visibility with search engines:


I'm currently researching and learning about how to incorporate the most visible words for search engines to find my writing for others to read. As a writer who wants to be read, it makes sense for keyword usage to be a sort of update course of study, perhaps for all writers.

Viewing this "keyword usage phenomenon" as a student, I wonder if trying to use suitable keywords in strategic locations in articles will prove an artisic challenge, or a cumbersome nuisance. How will adhereing to keyword theory in writing affect the content of my writing? Will using keywords make my writing more or less descriptive?

The first part of any course of study is to investigate and understand. I think I'll put on a pot of coffee, and spend a little time catching up on the latest technique of being a visible Internet writer. Heck, there wasn't even wide usage of the Internet ten years ago. Life always requires a new study of some sort. Keeps the mind keen! Drop me an e-mail if you have thoughts or experience with this.


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