Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/431226-Chapter-Three-A-Startling-Discovery
Rated: GC · Book · Sci-fi · #1111813
What if you could go back and change things? Would you?
#431226 added June 5, 2006 at 8:30pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Three: A Startling Discovery
Claire couldn't believe her eyes. She was standing in front of the house she had lived in when she was twelve. It still looked exactly the same. But, that wasn't what startled her.

The garage door stood open, revealing one car; a silver Honda Accord. It was the license plate, however, that caught her attention. FKF 994.

That's impossible, it can't be the same car!

Cautiously, she inched closer.

Sure enough, it was the same car. But, how could that be? Even if these people had bought the same car, it wouldn't have the same license number, would it?

She was so engrossed in her own thoughts, she didn't see the young girl approaching on a maroon, Schwinn World ten speed, behind her.

"Excuse me," a voice spoke behind her, low but feminine. It sounded strangely familiar. "What are you doing in my driveway?"

Claire turned around slowly and got the shock of her life.

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