Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/432621-Back-at-it
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#432621 added June 11, 2006 at 9:57am
Restrictions: None
Back at it.
After the tournament, a few of us went out for drinks and dinner. I can’t remember the last time I went to Buffalo’s, but the food wasn’t as good last night as in my memory. I ordered the Buffalo chicken sandwich. Yes, that comes with fries. (they were horrible – old tasting) The girls wanted to sit outside – don’t ask me why…it was ninety-seven degrees at 7:00PM, but who was I to argue. Maybe we’d catch a soft breeze. Maybe the skies would open up with some cool rain. Maybe I was just dreaming.

My mouth and eyes soooo wanted to order the (forgive me if I get this wrong) Buffalo Jack. A shot of Daniels on ice. The picture looked so tasty – droplets of condensation on the bottomed heavy glass – filled to the rim with dark amber whiskey with lots of ice.

My mind, however, had its head on its should and resisted. My liquor cabinet at home is well stocked – with patron, bush mills, pyrat rum, ambassador scotch, to name a few, JD out would surely be a disappointment.

I chose, instead, some martini. The ingredients looked to be similar to a cosmo(my absolute fav martini) , I could hit the Johnny walker black when I got home.

The drink arrived and I could smell it before I tasted it. sugary sweet – in my younger days, I’d have gone for this. It reminded me of Jolly Rancher candy, something I haven’t had in years.

The conversation and company much better, smoothing over the letdown of a so-so meal out. And a “I’ll never order that again," drink.

oh, i did catch up with my sister lisa...cars was great!

I’ve got errands today – maybe I’ll catch a little rest later, before having to go at it tomorrow. Another six day work week ahead of me! Oh joyous rapture.

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