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What I'm thinking about today. . .
#461318 added October 13, 2006 at 5:09am
Restrictions: None
Superstition Doesn't Help
Since this is the first Friday the 13th we've had in awhile, I thought I'd start out by nullifying any bad luck lurking about today. Mind set can control much of what one experiences, and I don't want to have a bad day.

Finally my Mom's leg pain and walking problem is somewhat alleviated. She had to wait three weeks before the doctor could schedule her for a procedure, and waiting in pain doesn't make for a happy camper. She was much more cheery when we woke up from our afternoon nap. The epidural can take several days to take effect, but the valium she received before the shot had her in better spirits than I'd seen in a long time. I hope she keeps doing well. I have fewer responsibilities when she's able to drive.

After ten months on the market, my old house has finally sold. I haven't been in on much of the business because I'm not involved in signing any paperwork, or accepting any money. I'm glad my house has a new person, and I hope she enjoys it as much as I did. It was a great house, but I'm real glad to be living where I am now. It's a nicer neighborhood and it's so convenient, considering how large Dallas is. Plus, it's nice to live a block down the street from Mom.

My tutoring student could drive me crazy if I let him. He's in a bad position because his family planned a trip to Vegas before he signed up for the course. He's leaving for Vegas Saturday, and his mid term exam is next Wednesday. It's difficult to digest all the information involved in a history course, and one's grade is usually proportional to the amount of time spent studying. I know how much time I've spent, and my student is getting very panicy. Tomorrow we're studying between 1:30 and about 6:30, because he has a bowling league on Frtiday nights. We'll prepare as much as we can in that amount of time.

I'm planning to generate some sort of article or essay or non-fiction piece about the Mexican Revolution and the part of Mexican history we've covered so far. No sense in letting all these facts go to waste. Look for new writing in a folder called Mexican History. . . coming soon.

The weather has turned fall finally, and the temp outside now is about 48 degrees. Sweater weather! Layers of clothes! Start dressing from the other end of the closet.

Hope to go to the State Fair in the next week, and I'm contemplating purchasing my first digital camera. I've put it off because I need to educate myself about features. Since the prices have gotten more reasonable, it would help my "news" writing to include pictures. The pictures I'm taking now come either from my phone or a disposable camera. Come to think of it, I have pictures ready to pick up at the store, and they are open 24-hours. I think I'll pull on some heavy jeans, a sweat shirt, and take a little early morning stroll. I'll add a few kitty photos here when I get back.

Don't walk under any wooden ladders, or take any aluminum nickels. And if you see a black cat, offer him some affection *Smile*
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