Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/478454-Wow-what-a-nag-chuckles
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#478454 added January 2, 2007 at 7:55am
Restrictions: None
Wow, what a nag. *chuckles*
So it's not even 9PM yet and ♥~HermyKitteh~♥ is on and on my ass trying to hurry up my blog entry. Admittedly I do need to get it down so I can get on with some real writing tonight after Charmed. But really, Charmed comes first. It's the only show on TV I just HAVE to watch each week. Everything else, even Smallville is optional and I barely watch anything at all these days.

Today I started off feeling deflated again, like I've been feeling for a while now. But by about noon I forced myself to at least make half an effort and in the afternoon got out of the house for an hour. It's amazing how much some fresh air and a new perspective can improve mood.

It also helps to have some great friends. Mine encouraged me and pushed me and talked with me and we managed to deal with an underlying issue that I realize now probably had a huge impact on my mood. I'd been pushing myself against a wall of denial and when it comes to the creative mind of a write it's not something that ever seems to work out.

For some reason we have these characters within us, certain tales to tell and at any one time they can be on the fore of our thoughts. No matter how hard we might try to put aside one story for another the characters can be on the perifery shouting and drowning out everything else. For me I found it impossible to get inspired by anything, to concentrate or feel even happy about any aspect of my career and I realise now it's because I was trying to step on the wrong path.

*grins* Yeah I'm talking around the issue because I don't really want to talk about it. Lets just say that I'm regaining a focus and allowing myself down a path I'd been denying myself. The good news is that I feel strengthed already and it's easier to face as this mood lifts. I can't put everything down to this turnabout but I hope it'll stay with me over the coming week at least.

Of course it means that I need to get writing. Actually I'm still watching Charmed but yeah well, I'm watching Charmed, shush already would ya? *winks and chuckles*

Ok, ad break, where was I? Some gibberish and ramble. Not sure really. I should start trying to have blog entries that are actually interesting or follow a topic. In fact I came up with a bunch of bloggable topics via Pen On Fire the other day. Perhaps I'll give one of those a go tomorrow. Meanwhile tonight this stuff will do. Lots to do, never enough time.

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