Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/479354-Happy-New-Year
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#479354 added January 5, 2007 at 8:18pm
Restrictions: None
Happy New Year
I scored another writing gig. (yay me!) which is so totally cool too cuz I’ve joined this wdc group; "Invalid Item. And one of the requirements is to submit one piece of writing for publication a month. Once a month. Publication isn’t considered. Get the dang thing submitted. That’s the group’s focus. Anyway, the guy told me he’d pay me to write about his tennis product…and any money I get from any publication is my gravy. (triple yay)

I’ve got a few articles in the works and I figured this group would really help me focus in getting them polished up and submitted.

I’m better now, but I’ve been sick. Had the stomach flu the day after Christmas. I grabbed the blueberries (which are supposed to be great for that sort of unpleasantness – among other things) I swear by them. Bryan was hurling like every hour. (bless his heart). I shivered, curled underneath my comforter, but never puked. (thank goodness). There aren’t many thinks I find more “oh my god I am soooo not doing that”, as tossing my salmon and rice and dark chocolate kisses into the commode anytime after I’ve fallen asleep. So, um, yeah. I was pretty stoked at keepin’ it all in.

Blueberries are also supposed to help X out the damage aging does to your muscles. (I’ve been eating them for ten years now.) I’ll let you know in another ten if I agree with this assessment.

Anyway, I’ve also joined "The WDC Angel Army. The focus here is helping newbies to the site feel welcome and provide in-depth useful positive reviews. I figured my reviewing skills could use a workout so I joined. (new year’s resolution thing).

Speaking of NYR’s. did anyone make any? Please, share…

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