Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/485371-Hobgoblins-Ninjas-and-the-life-of-a-Trid
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#485371 added February 3, 2007 at 8:33am
Restrictions: None
Hobgoblins, Ninjas, and the life of a Trid.
Despite his frenzied pleas and begging I won't give in and step down from my resolve to utterly humiliate the source of all evil. I'm very good friends with the godfather of darkness, the shadow of razor-sharp shuriken, the lord of the abyss. He has lead a host of rampaging hobgoblins. He has devoured unsightly foods and left his putrid mark in all manner of places. He is doom and destruction and all should fear the dreaded potty messages!!!

Ok, so for everyone else I guess I should try and start at the beginning. Bare with me and forgive me little trid if I miss anything. Feel free to bob me over the head because it really was such a long time ago and my mind is a sieve. Plus back in those days I was a bit preoccupied, what with running a whole world and all.

*chuckles* Yep, just lost the rest of the audience again. I swear you'll be enlightened if you can manage to keep reading. *Smile* It all began about *does math’s on her fingers* wow, 8 years? *jaw drops* It can't really be that long ago can it? I'd have said 6. *ponders* *contemplates pulling the archives out* OMG that's a good idea. *gets distracted by archives*

Ok FINE! I can't date back exactly to when we met but I can prove it was at some point prior August 2001. I can PROOVE that much but I KNOW it was well before then. Unfortunately we had a server crash that destroyed my prior records. The crash taught me the vital importance of backing up.

Anyway, way back so many years ago I was famous in gaming. Well, maybe not famous but I was rare commodity (a female gamer) and boasted over 1000 unique members with 580 approved characters in our databases on a role-play gaming site. If you Google for my name you'll probably find mention of it out there in the ethers although the site itself no longer exists.

Outlanda Games was one of my hugest accomplishments and for around about four years I programmed, web designed, administered, and played on an active website with forum based (play-by-post/PbP) gaming. It was there I met a very strange person and I have to admit that way back then I never would have imagined we'd become what we are today.

I mean, OMG he was weird. Sure he could write, kinda. He was most certainly creative and knew his stuff when it came to gaming. Ohhh, let me see if I can grab a snippet from a post he made way back in 2001. *grins wickedly* pfft Um... Here we go, maybe this is more telling about his personality then his gaming. lol
"OOC: I am sorry. It is Football Season and UCLA is making a play for the National Championship! I am preoccupied. I will try to get focused again."

*OOC means Out Of Character

Yes, he still gets distracted by Football. It's a very sad thing.

Anyway, he's been distracting me, trying to talk me out of writing this entry and ‘encouraging’ me to delve into those archives more deeply but if I do that much longer this entry will never get written and he will win. That is not allowed. I must write this humiliating entry and share his unique brand of a-door-a-bubbleness with the multiverse.

What I can I say about a trid? Well, he's my best friend and I adore him. We've never met but in the past five to six (or so *glares at the trid*) years we've exchanged hundreds of pager messages, and emails and even a time or two a phone call. He's always been there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. The magic light that brightened my dark moments and always, without fail, could bring the biggest, goofiest, most perversely pathetic smile to my face without even trying.

I know, I know, there is as yet another issue unexplained. TRID!?! WTF is a trid? I don't even know when it all started. I, in my clueless Australian state certainly had no idea what he was talking about when he said, "HOODY HOO! SILLY RABBIT! KICKS ARE FOR TRIDS!" *blinks* Yep, all upper case, as is the case with all his pager messages and in a way part of the trademark that makes him so a-door-a-bubble. In future I'll refrain from quoting his uppercase for the sake of reader vision.

Of course this made absolutely no sense. And after getting over the horror at my blank expression (or rather, reply that probably said "WTF?") he taught me about Trix. Apparently it's a breakfast cereal. Apparently it's for kids. Apparently there is (was?) a commercial for said cereal that involved a rabbit who had an unsightly addiction to said Trix so much so that while trying to obtain some he was rebuffed with the phrase: "Silly Rabbit, Trix are for kids"

I already mentioned that the trid isn't normal. He's kind of topsy-turvy sometimes so in this unique brand of a-door-a-bubbleness (or *ponders* maybe he's dyslexic?) he came out with "Silly Rabbit! Kicks are for Trids!" Apparently I was a Silly Rabbit. OMG I just realized why I can't get enough of him. *chuckles* I'm a Silly Rabbit with an unsightly addiction to trids. But to this day this rabbit would never kick a trid even when he deserves it. *wears angel wings and a halo*

And so, now you know how lame I am. *frowns* This entry is backfiring here. It's supposed to be embarrassing to Trids not to Silly Rabbits. Ummmm.... How can I salvage this? Um....

Ok, so, moving on pretend all that didn't happen. LOOK OUT!!! There's a NINJA!!! HIDE! *looks beady eyed as she watches out for more Ninjas* Sorry, I swear those guys are getting more and more creative. One was hiding in my underwear draw the other day. I'm pretty sure he was sniffing the crotch of my 'Tease' g-string and wearing my garter and stockings.

Ninjas are, alas, the curse of trids. Because trids cannot leap large oceans in a single bound like Superman they resort to dark, ulterior methods of remaining knowledgeable of all non-trid related happenings in the world of rabbits. In every corner lurks a ninja but you can't see them, because they're ninjas you know. Stealthy, dressed in black, designed to mooch and always prepared to silence any observer.

Thankfully the 'World Excellence Institute of Ninja Extraordinary Relations" (WEINER) have a website and you can order experienced ninjas online with their simple form and a credit card. So in retaliation I buzzed up a few of my own and they report all non-rabbit related happenings in the world of trids. Of course I have to replace mine frequently. Apparently they get sick and die from gas inhalation if they've spent too much time on his case. Perhaps I should report these incidents to the AGA? (I had to go look up the American Gas Association, what with being Aussie and all I didn't know who controlled household gas in the US but I did know it wasn't the DWP.)

The ninjas are the least of my problems with trids however. Of late he's taken to laying down these challenges. I don't mean easy challenges either. I mean stuff that actually makes me think and get creative and attempt to evoke emotions be it sadness or humor. I don't do unspontaneous humor too well. Even the spontaneous humor is more on accident then anything. I don't know how to be funny. I'm blonde and therefore my moments of funny occur in my moments of ditz.

Of course this challenge was only a semi-challenge. I was never going to reveal the true nature of trids to the multiverse. I mean it's taken me 6(ish) years to start opening him up to rabbits. He's shy my little trid is. Cute, funny, and affectionately shy. He's going to blush and laugh and blush some more all through this entry. Makes me wish I'd sent my last team of ninjas with full video photography equipment but you know it costs an arm and a leg to keep film crews mobile. I'll have to make do with their artist renditions and caricatures.

So you have it, a trid entry. It's in no way complete. You can't put 6(ish) years into a single blog entry. Besides, I'm selfish, I don't want to share all of those years with the multiverse. Some of those are precious moments just for me and my trid. The multiverse has to get their own trid moments or make do with the few I will share.

Here is to the past 6(ish) years of trid relations and here's to many more years to come. *Smile*

*ponders* Ok friends, who wants to be next on my bloggination hit list? *looks around with beady eyes on the hunt for an unsuspecting victim*

© Copyright 2007 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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