Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/486089-The-Minions-of-Evil---Geeky-Gamer-Girl-Advice
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#486089 added February 6, 2007 at 8:53am
Restrictions: None
The Minions of Evil - Geeky Gamer Girl Advice
Opps, Um... Blog, Right! Someone's put my brain in the deep fryer tonight I think. Either that or I was reading MegaTokyo and got so engrossed that I kept turning the pages and turning the pages and even when I said, "I'll stop at 500 and get some sleep." I turned again and again but pulled myself away saving at an evil odd number 503.

That is, evil, I should have read until at least 510 or even better 550 or 600. Those numbers are acceptable pause locations. But I have to get to sleep and I can't stay up all night so I figured I should stop. *ponders* Maybe I should go back and save it at 500 and then read 501, 502, and 503 again tomorrow. That could deal with my odd number dilema.

But strangely enough I was logging out of Yahoo and closing down my email and doing one last glance at my WDC inbox (which I might add got zero mail since I checked it his morning *pouts*) and realized that I'd forgotten to blog. Or rather I was involved chatting and MTing at 8PM when the reminder beeped at me so I dismissed it and figured I'd remember to do it shortly.

Of course, I did remember. *cheers* But I almost didn't. *hears the crowd cheering the fact that it being forgotten was possible* HEY! You love reading my inane chatter, remember, right? My loyal fans? *listens to the echo of silence*

Anyway, MegaTokyo ROCKS! *chuckles* Of course you all shouldn't read it because you will learn that I'm a geek if you do. Because I like geeky things like that and I think it's awesome that way back in 2003 Fred was drawing Sony Employee's with Playstation 3 designer wear. Of course what he needs to do is ransome that sort of thing off to make the PS3 cheaper.

Which reminds me, release date must be any day now but of course I won't be buying it *sighs sadly* Not yet at least and possibly not at all. Thankfully these days I'm more of a PC geek. My PS2 is my primary DVD player but these days it does little more than that. *laments the abuse and disuse of her PS2* My PS2 needs me to have RL friends who's asses I can kick. PS2 games are more fun when played with friends (who's asses I can kick). *ponders* Yeah sometimes I'll let them kick my ass ok? Cause I'm nice you understand and people don't want to play with me if I win all the time.

Speaking of games I got a package! *does the 'I got a package' dance* Neverwinter Nights 2!!!! WOOT!!! I haven't installed it yet however, but I will, probably tomorrow. I can't play it yet cause I haven't clocked SoU and HotU yet but I will and when I do I'm going to clock NWN2. All formerly living formerly dead undead things must die. I'm good at ensuring they return to being good and proper dead. Goblins and Orcs must die too. Dragons I wish didn't have to die but some of them are evil and bad so they die too. *sighs sadly* The bringer of justice and righter of wrongs must restore peace.

For what it's worth, respawn games are evil and I like NWN's because it's not a respawn game. There are occasions when a formerly cleared area will spawn something but it's generally plot related and usually makes me jump because I'm a firm believer in area clearing. You know in modern warfare that would involve dropping bombs like they did in Hiroshima but in NWN's it's more along the lines of using my greatsword to hack to death all the minions of evil (including 'coup de grace'ing any sleeping minions of evil) and stealing all the valueables from the barrels, crates, chests, and tables, room by room. This is clearing area's.

You know you can't go into new areas without having completely cleared the one before it. It's just not safe you see. If you leave minions of evil at your back they will move to advantageous sucking your brains or werewolf rabies biting positions to destroy you.

Plus, SAVE! Save is your friend. Character respawn is unholy. If you character respawn you are technically becoming undead which makes you a minion of evil that I must destroy. Load to last save point is better. Plus it allows you to stuff up in all sorts of ways if you safe frequently. Having multiple save points is good. It's like choose your own adventures when you keep your finger in a page so that if you don't like the option you chose the first time you can go back and pick another. Hey! WDC Interactives are like that too!

And so, this is my geeky gamer girl guided gaming education for all my loyal fans and subjects. Don't forget to suck up to your God (I'll be yours if you don't have one) frequently so that the deity will continue to help you out blasting the minions of undead evil back to the abyss and get some sleep, like I'm about to now, cause you can't fight the minions of evil if you're not well rested. *Smile*

© Copyright 2007 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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