Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/498198-Possessed
Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#498198 added March 28, 2007 at 10:03pm
Restrictions: None
March 28, 2007

Ever had a toy seem as if it were possessed?  C has a doll my dad bought her 5 years ago, the Christmas before he died.  It is a doll that when you push this it says this cheer and if you push that it says that cheer.  It is now cheering of it's own free will.  C is a bit tired of listening to it so it has been moved to the laundry room...it may end up outside before the night is over...If I have to listen to it while I'm trying to go to sleep.

Today has not been such a good day.  J is not doing so well..woke up this A.M. with a temp of 104, screaming that his eyes hurt and he was very wheezy and congested.  It was quite scary this morning.  I gave him ibuprofen, took him in the bathroom while C was showering for the steam and used a cold cloth on his eyes...then gave him a breathing treatment when we were done in there.  Had my beloved not driven my van to work today I'd have already been in the dr's office.  A friends daughter who is in nursing school came over and listened to his lungs..they are clear but even after a treatment he was still wheezing badly....so 2 hours later I gave him another one.  Temp finally came down, meds kicked in and his eyes quit hurting too. Three hours later he needed another treatment.  So I called the allergist/asthma dr's office.  This afternoon he called me back himself.  Long and short of it is, he doesn't like it, called in some prednisone, and decided he didn't want to wait until Friday afternoon to see him.  We have an appt at 10am tomorrow.  I love that man.  He is the first doctor in teh 4 year battle with this child's allergies and sinus infections that has been willing to be proactive. 

On a different side of the issue..the side effects side.....he is now taking albuterol (which contains steroids) in his breathing treatments, prednisone  (which is a steroid) and Rondec, a decongestant that has warnings for drowsiness, dizziness, and blurred vision..unless you are under 6....and then it could do the opposite.  (Can you imagine what this combination does?) If you can't.....be grateful...if you can..say prayers for us all...this may be similar to a few months ago when we were in pulmicort hell....very long story about another medicaid hoop we jumped...

I am very very grateful that Dr. D is proactive and concerned about my son..trying to help me take care of him and get done what needs to be.  We will be discussing other testing as well as this sinus infection/asthma flare up.  I just want my baby well...he will probably miss his very first tball practice and a weekend at his aunts because of all of this...

Well, I've rambled on enough....I did try to catch up on some blogs...maybe tomorrow afternoon I can get some contest writing done.

Hope you all are well

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