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#515755 added June 17, 2007 at 7:44pm
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Tourney Update
June 18, 2007

Sorry I didn't update sooner..it's been a long weekend!

These games took place yesterday..had we won game 7 we'd have had to play up to 3 games today....there is a part of me that's kind of glad we didn't win..though I'd love for the girls to have gotten trophy's.

We won game 6...9-8 in overtime...it was a rough game, the girls fought hard and played very well-Cassy scored their winning point-hitting a triple-then getting home when the next girl hit a double. That game lasted 2 hours and 40min...normal game play maximum is 2hours...but at the bottom of the 7th-and just over 2 hours-we wre tied 8-8.  They were exhausted but jubilent.

Game 7, they lost 8-6-in the 7th inning and just didn't have time to recover even though they batted last....the other team's pitcher was good...the defense was too good for the batters in the line up where we were...might have played out differently if we'd been at a stronger point in the lineup but that's part of the way it goes....They fought hard...they played good ball..there were even innings they scored no points on us...the other team had also just played a game...though not as long of one.

They did well...were quite sad that it was over but finished 4th out of 17 teams....not bad for a bunch of girls...(as their coach likes to razz them with).  He took them out for ice cream afterwards...a promise fulfilled from the begining of the season-he told them if they got 5 double plays during the season he would take them all out for ice cream....they had 12 double plays and 3 triple plays between regular season and tournament...

There were tears-especially from a few of the older girls who won't have this coach next year (his daughter does not move up).  He promised them they'd be back together the following year if it's what they wanted....hard times when you are 10 and 11 but they'll get through.  Cassy says she's not hanging her cletes up yet...even though she's sad.

They have bat a thon awards on teh 23rd, team party on the 29th and they get to go to the Indians game as a team (Indianapolis team) on the 30th because they won that particular award for their division in the batathon.

Cassy says she'll be bored now..but I highly doubt it.  She has about 3 weeks until fair time and 4H projects to finish....she has about 3 weeks until her first camp (if we ever get approval) If she goes to that one (it's a music camp) she'll be gone 10 days..back for 2 weeks and then gone for a week at church camp. Somewhere in there my sister wants the kids for a weekend....school starts mid August and cheerleading sign ups for the youth league football will be shortly before school starts...I think she'll survive....I'm not sure she'll even have time to clean her room..thoguh she's supposed to...lol...though there are also a couple of VBS's we usually go to as well.

Well -I 've got to get supper finished (we've been at the inlaws all day and just got home) and kids ready for bed...both kids have allergist/asthma dr appt's tomorrow afternoon.

I'll try to get on later but make no promises...I'm struggling a bit ..ok quite a bit...with some depression right now..and I don't sit still so well in front of the computer doing nothing but typing...games I can do ...as long as it keeps me busy...I'll be ok ..just have to get it out of my system...


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