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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#518401 added July 1, 2007 at 6:52pm
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Don't tell Sis but....
July 1, 2007

Ball season is now completely over. The team party on Friday was a lot of fun for both kids....Cassy (Sis) was in the pool most of the time we were there...getting out only to jump on the trampoline and eat...right before we left. Yesterday was the Indianapolis Indians game that her team got to go to because of raising the most money in their division for the bat a thon..the bat a thon was a success...last Sunday they gave out the prizes, the trophy's (tball) and medallions (the rest of the kids) for participating this year.....Anyway...back to the Indianas game...their were several youth teams from our town there (one from each division (tball on up). They all got to go out on the field with the players during the national anthem. That was pretty cool..only Cassy went to the wrong section of the field (only she knew she was in the wrong place...since they told her to go to the position she usually plays..and that truly varies) still she was a tad bit embarressed. The girls were in rare form...doing their chanting (hit it to me I want it, want it, hit to me I want it)-and one time the 3rd baseman actually turned around and looked at them.  Still-no one caught a pop fly..and Cassy was disappointed.-she really wanted one.  What we aren't telling her is I'm a bit disappointed too...for that and the fact that ball season is now over...yes I know how busy we were..and how much more she has going on before school starts...lol..but softball is a big thing and I guess I should quit saying she lives for it and say we all live for it...we get a lot of enjoyment out of watching her team play and cheering them on.  Next year is a bit scary as it will be the first time since tball that we don't know her coach..she and 4 other girls age out of this division and will have to move up....I wish her coach would move up but his daughter doesn't age out for another year.  Cassy was in tears at the last game...and her coach made sure to tell her to keep playing next year...and he'd do everything in his power to get her back the following year....when his daughter moves up he'll try to get the team back together.

The thing is...things here are rather in upheavel...alot of changes going on...and I don't know if we will even be in this area next ball season...let alone the following.  We are looking into moving closer to my beloved's work...renting an apt. about 15 min from there.  There are alot of things going into this and none of the decisions are set in stone..as a matter of fact I think I'd be happier if htey were.....I don't do well not knowing what's going on and how things will be working out. I know God is on our side..and it's  a good thing..lol

I'll let ya know what's going on in the coming months -to what extent I can......alot of it is very personal and I can't put it all out there to share....though it will be at some point at least, a journal entry for my eyes only...for my records.

Well, need to go load the dishwasher..have been cleaning and straightening..hubby is mowing....Cassy was helping but she can't do any more riding right now....and ..lol...it's faster if he does it...

Try to get in later
blessings and hugs..thanks to all who have stopped by

hugs some more

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