Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/519307-Tennis-Channel
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#519307 added July 5, 2007 at 8:45pm
Restrictions: None
Tennis Channel
Our TV’s out at work, and with all the rain delays at Wimbledon, it’s darn near impossible to keep up w/ who’s winning. Even if the television were working, we’ve been redoing our floors. Stripping and waxing. I’m on baseboard and crud in the corners detail. Dontcha just want to drop down and give me a hand? I’ve been here for almost seven years and I can’t remember stripping and waxing ever taking this long. The process is taking for-ever! My T.O.S flared up two hours into the scrubbing this past Monday. My elbows are screaming for me to quit and my back is – quite frankly – agreeing. The maintenance man swears we will be done tomorrow! Next time, I’m scheduling the prisoners to come in and do it.

The blue courts are coming along nicely. The interim department head stopped by this afternoon to release courts 3 & 4 which were completed close of Tuesday but no one was around yesterday with the authority to give the green light. Now, I’ve got six of the twelve courts blue. They look mag, too. They play a bit slow, sorta like damp to wet clay. But that should clear up over time and use. I can see the ball much better, but have a bit more difficulty judging depth w/ short balls. I’m sure this too, will improve over time and practice.

On a brighter note, I finally got cancelled Cinimax, switched out for the Sports and Information package with Cox Cable and now get the Tennis Channel. Just in time for the U.S. Open series coming up....Lord help you guys, right? Now there’s no shutting me and my tennis talk up!

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