Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/520383-Strange-mood-2nd-entry
Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#520383 added July 10, 2007 at 5:17pm
Restrictions: None
Strange mood-2nd entry
July 10, 2007

Ok, I'm back..lol..andas the title indicates I'm in a strange mood..not a bad one...not nearly as grouchy as I was yesterday. Not down...a little bouncy, a little frustrated...a little bit on anticipation...sort of..lol

Jamie's not had a good day. He's not feeling good I don't think..mind you..he's no angel on a good day..he's a 4 year old boy..but he's biting, and hitting and very very whiny. Oh wait..he's not on his allergy meds  or an antibiotic right now. WHY? Well after approximately 3 rounds (about 41 days) of antitiotics..he's done.  Why is he off of his allergy meds..because the allergist sees no need....he's not allergic to anything according to the lab work and the scratch test. So he's off of them. I'd give my opinion but it's moot....what's going to happen is going to happen...he has a CT scan on Friday..we'll see what that shows...and go from there.

Changes are in the air at church and I've been emailing back and forth with a couple of people over the last couple of days.. Spiritually I feel pretty positive...that's part of the reason I'm in a strange mood I guess..those interactions with the Holy Spirit leave me with a kind of high...yet looking for what I need to do next...know what I mean? If not...just chalk it up to me being me..and know there were no drugs invovled.....lol

VBS starts in less than an hour..in about 20 min we will be leaving-ok make that 15 now...I just changed and got my shoes on..the kids are eating and then we will leave. I hope y'all have a great night.

I've really wanted to do some writing outside of my blog today but every time I started it just wouldn't come. I did edit "Invalid Item a bit..but that's about it. I started to write another chapter..but I just struggle so with it...I don't do dialogue well....suggestions on that hurdle anyone?

Ok..well time to run...will have to check the mailbox on the way out...see if there is a letter for me there...lol


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