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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
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#522399 added July 19, 2007 at 5:46pm
Restrictions: None
I made a boo boo
July 19, 2007

I've been fighting a migraine for 2 days...spent most of yesterday resting..and trying to moniter kids from the dark (thanks to sweet Cassy who did her best to keep an eye on things in her own room..letting htem watch movies and play so I could rest without much noise...it wore off, mostly, by evening time and it was all but gone when we went to bed last night. We had FUN with the phone lines and the dsl line but Mike fixed them for the most part.. They are still a bit wonky but we'll deal with it for the next month.

Anyway...after I got the kids fed their lunch...settled in for quiet time (Jamie's ct scan was this morning...I knew he, at the very least, needed a nap. As I sat here this afternoon, my head started hurting again and so I decided while they were napping I would nap. I just woke up...I slept hard..I'm feeling rather groggy..and I have a meeting at church tonight..and it promises to be interesting at the very least.  I'm wondering at how wise it was to sleep...uggh.

Such is life.

Tomorrow both kids are going to bible day camp. I will have about 6 hours (give or take for drive time) alone. To do with as  I please. Part of me wants to write. Part of me needs to pack..and part of me just wants to sleep, chill and relax...I'll probably end up with a mixture of a couple things anyway...lol

Well, gonna try to get the kids fed before we leave...3 of them are going with me to the meeting...Mike will keep Jamie here...Cassy will keep an eye on the other 2 for me.

Before I go..the next 5 good things about moving...now before I do this..understand that I live in the middle of nowhere..have very few neighbors..and kind of like it that way....but it has it's drawbacks...town (and a small town at that)

So without further ado.
1. Walmart is less than 5 minutes from the apartment
2. There is an outdoor Mall...within walking distance
3. While we have been blessed with a pizza place that does deliver out here..and they have decent pizza...at a reasonable price...we will have delivery options from Dominoes, Papa John's, and Pizza Hut..just to name a few.
4.It's about 15-20 minutes from Indy...giving us options of family things to do much closer to home...cutting down the cost and the time
5. We are moving closer to my sister...not as close as she'd like..but a compromise between Mike's overwhelming desire NOT to live in Indianapolis and her desire to have us closer.

We are moving to a small town (small city..nto sure what it's actually classified as..they have good schools...with lots of stores, a movie theatre, a putt putt...a water park type thing..


that's a link that tells a little about the town we'll be moving to.....anyway...the kids are eating...and my eldest..whose supposed to be my big helper this evening...is acting like a pain in the butt...will have to encourage (read bribe) and remind of the consequences (read threaten) before we leave or she'll be more problem than help.

I'm still a bit groggy and would like to curl back up...such is life I guess...lol

blessings and hugs to all

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