Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/525645-Absolutely-Positively-Pathetic
Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#525645 added August 3, 2007 at 3:19pm
Restrictions: None
Absolutely, Positively Pathetic
Aug 3, 2007

Jamie is 4 years old..he'll be 5 in December.  Jamie is a VERY VERY active little guy...running, jumping, climbing, hanging, swinging and playing all taking place hourly (if not much more frequently). Even when he watches tv he's playing and moving. Somewhat typical of a 4 year old boy..though I've had people make comments about how "busy" he is...there little way of letting me know they think there might be hyperactivity issues..and I have those days I wonder myself...though mostly I've just decided it's who he is...and even though he's busy and moving-he learns, loves, laughs, and has fun...I have trouble keeping up..but that's my issue not his.

Jamie had a bad night...after yesterday's temp of 103.1 in the dr's office..it was down to 100.5 in the evening...at 1:30 am he had an accident....and we had to change clothes..though not the bed thankfully. At 4 he needed a drink-temp was normal. at 6 am his temp was back up to 103. I gave him ibuprofen, at 6:30 it was still up but by 7 it was down and he was back to sleep. He woke up running a temp of about 100....He ate some grapes and a banana and watched a movie..then wanted a bath. After his bath his temp was 99.5-he sat on the floor to watch Over the Hedge-and proceeded to get cold and need to lay down...temp went back up to 103....gave him ibuprofen...30 min later it had climbed 2 tenths of a degree so I gave him a popcicle and some tylenol my kids tend to puke with a temp over 103.5....if I don't get it under control before that point I have trouble getting it under control because I can't keep anything in them. Anyway....he's been on the couch,laying with a cool cloth on his head...watching movies....I feel so bad for him and wish I could do more.

His temp is down some...not because I've checked it..but because he's back in a sitting position and has lost the cloth. We will continue to do this battle until the virus leaves his system...or until the dr decides it is in fact the sinus infection he was diagnosed with 2 weeks ago-and the antibiotic needs to be changed.  It could be either...though I personally believe that htey could have changed the antitiotic...and we would have been in no different position than we are now in waiting..except that if it IS that the antibiotic needs to be changed then we wont' have waited a week to figure it out...it's not like he's not on an antibiotic already...I get that an antibiotic doesn't work on viruses..but I'm not sure it's working on the sinus infection either.

Part of my frustration with his allergist is his attitude. IN the begining he was very proactive and wanted to get it all taken care of..now that Jamie's shown to be a challenge and we can't really find what's wrong and why..he's taken this attitude that we just need to wait it all out..and yesterday...treated me as if I was this unintelligent  being...that's not dealt with fevers and illness and needed to be patiently guided through the fact that for a virus I need to treat the fever and push lots of fluids..NO SHIT SHERLOCK!

I'm done with him...I'd been done but was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt...he's a good dr. in general...but he doesn't listen..he's not willing to try to figure out what's going on..he blows off my concerns...and treats me like I"m overreacting. Like I want antitibiotics for everything-when he's the one that told me to call at the first sign of sinus crud so we could get him started on an antibiotic and kick it before it got bad!

I need a dr who will listen..help me figure out what's going on and why.....no I don't want one who prescribes antibiotics at every turn...because my goal in getting him over this crap is to get him OFF the antibiotics...

I'm also most likely done with the ped. I'm not impressed..she's not helping much either..the few times i've tried to talk to her about trying to figure out WHY he keeps getting sick she acted like I was cruel to want to put him through culturing the sinus crud...and rolled her eyes at the fact that I'd done some research online about recurrent sinus infections...

Yes, I chose her..but only because medicaid removed us from our previous ped and I coudln't get back in....the dr I went to last week is a family dr...and he listened...we talked about my weight and my blood pressure...what I wanted and how best to get it done...and we talked about my allergy/sinus issue and decided against an antitibotic at this time....and I think that's where I'm going..and then if he thinks we need a specialist we can head that way..but I don't have the energy to keep fighting this BS without a partner of some kind in the medical field......

Jamie's temp is down to about 100 again...he's still on the couch though..watchign Over the Hedge again..we've also watched the Wiggles. He's had some tea...but he's cranky and uncomfortable. ...and once again I feel helpless...and it sucks. I also can't get anything done becasue he wants me close and if I leave the room he comes looking for me. Better than when his temps up at 103 though..then I have trouble getting off the couch without him fussing...now at least he lets me move to the computer....lol

thanks for listening. I'm begining to think there aren't any answers....I'm really hoping this move makes a big difference for Jamei especially.

Cassy comes home this evening...Mike will be leaving work shortly to pick her up....I've missed her alot.

I'll check in later and let ya know how Jamie's doing.

blessings and hugs

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